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O2 Pay As You Go

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allenlondon | 13:19 Sat 02nd Jan 2021 | Technology
9 Answers
Bought an O2 PAYG sim on ebay for coppers. Works fine (O2 no longer officially selling Classic PAYG).

Anyway, all set up, no bother, but one question: how often do I have to use the (spare) phone with that number to keep it valid? Is it 3 months, 6 months, or what? I ask as in the past I had such a spare phone, and when I went to use it it'd been cut off!




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Thanks barry, perfect.

Don’t suppose you’ve got any inside info on when O2 will stop supporting Classic PAYG?

I just ring my hubby’s phone (he never uses but is just in case phone)every now and then or use his to phone to ring my own one keeps sim alive.
I'm sorry but I have re-read the terms and conditions and have given you the wrong information.
I cannot see any details about how often you need to use the phone to keep the SIM active but you do need to top up at least £10 every 6 months. You lose any credit that you have not used, it is not carried over.
To my mind, you may as well use the £10 credit, that way you will be sure to keep the SIM active and you won't be paying 02 for nothing.
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Barry. That’s still less than 50p a week for having a working spare mobile. I’d say cheap insurance.
As I understand it you only lose the credit if the phone is disconnected. This is rather worrying as I have £72 credit on mine and no way will I use that much within 6 months. I don't mind sticking a tenner on every now and then but I would hate to lose my credit. I have never lost anything before.
Use it up, Jackdaw. It's pointless just letting it mount up as they won't refund you. Phone a friend :)
At that rate you're better off buying a different SIM where you don't need to top up to keep it live. I've been with Tesco for years and haven't paid any money in for at least 5 years and only ever use it for receiving calls and texts.

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