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Can't Access Storage Of Apps On Android

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countrykid | 21:19 Sun 15th Nov 2020 | Technology
4 Answers
We both have Moto phones, A G5S and a G6Play. We are both experiencing same problem, phone slowing down, need to free up memory but clicking on Storage>internal just leaves s whirling circle on screen for ever saying loading. It used to open up to show the various apps etc and how much storage each was using saying loading, so we can clear data etc and know which apps to thin down. Thanks

Any idea why we cannot get beyond this whirling circle


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Have you tried turning it off and turning it on again?

Yes, I know that sounds facetious but it's resolved every problem I've ever had on my Android phone up to now, so it's got to be worth a try!
Question Author
Thanks for suggestion buenchico.

We've both tried switching phone off several times but to no avail. I agree, this simple process 'fixes' lots of issues, but so far, not this.
How old are they?
Question Author
The G6Play was bought Sept 2018. The G5S not certain, but probably early 2018

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Can't Access Storage Of Apps On Android

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