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dylanfanatic | 10:58 Wed 22nd Apr 2020 | Technology
3 Answers
I have a Lenovo laptop running windows 10. I am also on 'facebook' and like to keep 'au fait' with ALL news. I also purchase a 'Daily Express' every day. On my 'facebook' page there are articles from the daily express that I would like to read as well. Yet when I try to read them some site called 'REACH' pops up and asks me to accept the privacy, (which I do) and in the bottom left hand corner of my screen is a 'ship's wheel' shaped icon with word 'privacy' next to it, and I can't read the article. This is getting on my tits. Who the hell are 'REACH' and how do I get them to p**ss off so that I can read the article WITHOUT some daft c*nt's interference?


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A lot of online newspapers have these type of things. I suspect it is this that you are referring to:

Please don't use bad language, even if it disguised.
Why don't you access Daily Express through its website and not FaceBook? That might solve the problem
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I've tried that Barry, doesn't work, besides I have a hard copy of the Express in front of me, I only want to read the occasional item of interest from the express that appears on my facebook page, surely REACH don't expect me to pay for an online Express as well, in order to read an article, when I've ALREADY purchased a paper?

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