I've just had an email supposedly from the Inland Revenue saying they had miscalculated my tax from last year and that I was entitled to a refund of £1400.
and to click the link to arrange payment. It was obvious to me it was dodgy. For a start the IR would not send emails. I thought I'd mention it in case anyone else got this and was tempted to click the link. (I gather this pops up at this time of year as people are submitting their returns.)
I've had that E'mail too. As with any unsolicited one I delete it-it comes up in spam anyway. I've lost count of the E'mails I've had supposedly from, amongst others, Santander,Alliance & Leicester (do they even exist anymore?),HSBC, Halifax, even the US IRS!! Spammers are everywhere but as I don't even bank with these and certainly don't do internet banking I just smile & hit delete.