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shaneystar2 | 14:36 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | Computers
516 Answers
Can anyone help a complete computer idiot ?
I always download a couple of crosswords from the web which are in Pdf format. When I try to do this today my computer freezes ,they won't load and I have to log off and restart.The Adobe reader thingy is obviously not working . Tried a systems restore but that doesn't do anything either .I have no idea how to download another reader and am missing my Spectator crossword fix !
We use Firefox .
Any ideas ..thank you .


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Well it's a day for flight it seems...flying ants everywhere & we've just seen a new plastic plane fly over, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Very quiet & impressive...we usually get a good view here when they do a flyover for Rolls Royce as this seems to be the turn around zone. I wonder if I can order one online...
Plastic plane, is that anything like the paper ones we used to make as kids?

Have just woken up from a 2hr siesta - it was so hot, now I'm all headachey and have to make dinner, I've already make a quiche.
He does too Lottie. Listen between 0.34-0.39 of your first clip (Last Request), his voice is like Jeff's in Lilac Wine. And in this last one you posted he sounds like Bob Marley ha ha. I hadn't heard of Paulo before, he seems okay:)
similar neti...
Gadgets for air sickness? I s'pect the windows open...
It's so close & headachey here too
Evening all. At last I've got time to sit and write a bit. Have been gardening this afto cutting bushes back and gardening in general. Left a bit for tomorrow then I should be straight. Saw the Dreamliner go over for about 3 seconds. It was going round over the bungalows opposite where I live and it dipped it's wing and that was it gone. .
Went to a pub over in Stanton by Dale on the outskirts where we go quite a lot cos there's a lady who serves us there who always gives us a laugh. She always has a story to tell about people that go in the pub. It makes me wonder what she says about us when we're not there.
I think Paolo is brill. I didn't realise he was a Scot for ages. Well he probably isn't but he has the accent.
My new chairs are now in there boxes propped up against the wall where the table was but I think I might just put them together myself. How easy can 2 chairs be after the table fiasco.
Shaney have you spotted that UC is back on on Monday nights. I saw it last week but then I forgot about it last night because I went to see a young friend who I have known since she was born and for some reason she looks on me like a grandma. She has had a bit of a rough start in life but has turned out lovely. Working hard at school and got herself a job to go to when she left. She has moved in with her boyfriend like they do nowadays (she's in her 20's now) and she wanted me to go and see her new home.
The weather is very close now, I hope it rains in the night. Clear the air a bit.
Finally the latest piccy of my brother playing in Cambridge Get the hair in the wind :)
See yer later 'gater(s)
Just to tell you I have saved all the songs you've all posted in the last few days so I can sit and listen to them properly. Would yoU believe I haven't had time. I'll listen to them while I'm ironing.
Oh yes and I forgot to tell you. I went to school yesterday and was waiting outside the classroom as I do and this little boy came and asked me if I would like to go in and when I did he presented me with a box of chocolates and a card from all the children sitting there to say thankyou for my help. They had all signed the card all 20 of them.
How nice was that!
I really am off now. Have a good night all!
Oh Jude that's so sweet. Lottie I meant that he looks about 12...he'd be in the middle of serenading you and remember he hadn't done his maths homework. Everybody is looking about 12 to me...the docs all look like Dougie Hauser and the nurses not much older. Its hard to believe they know what they are doing when they don't look old enough to rent a PG video :-(
He is gorgeous jude, get him down to Eastbourne in September!!!

Have made coleslaw and chips to go with quiche, was very nice except I used the wrong gadget to slice the carrots and onions (Oh I forgot to put in apple!!) d'oh!

Have had a dip in pool and now watching "Angela's Ashes" in cool bedroom, these dark and rainy films do wonders for the heat.

Shaney do you make coleslaw, if so could you give me a receipe and do you make your own mayo, last time I made it , there was egg and oil everywhere!
Does Eastbourne have a Festival in Sept. then Neti and will you be there. Doesn't he look young. He was 49 in March this year. I love him to bits.
No jude, no festival, just a private viewing!!!!
LOL Neti....He's on Facebook why don't you tell him you're friends with me!!
Where did Neti go all of a sudden...? Oh there she is...

What a sweet little babe you were Jude (the avatar:)
Hi Kit got fed up at looking at myself in my 30's !
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Evening all
I seem to running on gas again .Picky took the back off the machine ,fiddled around ,gazed at it's insides and put it back together ,switched it on and hey presto.This thing must have more lives than next doors cat .

Don't mention cooking Neti ,this computer repair guy cost me a roast dinner this heat !!

Akshully no I don't make coleslaw .I used to, but I buy it tubs from the suoermarket .I can't faff about like I used to . Chopping and peeling is difficult with my painful hands and standing about cooking does nothing for my hips. I had to sit at the table tonight to peel spuds and do the veg .
However I do make mayo but only if I'm making german potato salad otherwise that comes out of jar too.
I'm afraid cooking these days is just another chore for me .Yet I used to cook at work for the bar and for big functions :)

Your children must think a lot of you Jude . Bless .
Yes I have been watching UC .I haven't done any scores on the doors as I didn't know if you were watching it .We'll start next week :))
Your brother is rather nice :)
Hope you are all fine and dandy .How's Mr Woofie ?
Hi Lottie. Oooer I don't mind spiders but that lot might just worry me a bit...
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Ooh were we on the box this morning Lofty ? I can't find it on I Player .Mr S mentioned something about the beach on the Teevee.
Tut ..I wish I'd known .I'd have donned my best bikini and wristwarmers and lounged on the breakwater :))
It was all about jumping off cliffs etc. - I can't remember what they call it, but kids are getting seriously injured or dying. No cliffs at Gorleston, but they showed a long wall with danger written on it. I would have loved to have seen you grinning in the background in your bikini and wrist warmers!!

Nite, nite xxx (Hope Mr S is OK - when is he going into hospital for his investigations?)
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Yes that's the breakwater ...The silly B's must be jumping off that .It's highly dangerous because of the currents .Having said that we all used to poke about round the bottom of the breakwater looking for crabs as children but only at low tide .We were never allowed on it and it used to have a guard rail .The council are too mean to to put a new one up. So they just must climb up the ladder at the side .I expect it'll be in the local rag on Friday

We have got cliffs but they're in the other direction ,south and are cut with paths .No way you can jump off those .

Mr S goes in at 7am Saturday morning . . Hope you are ok Lofty .
Nite all ..
Nite Nite everybiddy - and thinking about you Mr S. (I shall ask whoever is looking after me to look after you)

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