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shaneystar2 | 14:36 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | Computers
516 Answers
Can anyone help a complete computer idiot ?
I always download a couple of crosswords from the web which are in Pdf format. When I try to do this today my computer freezes ,they won't load and I have to log off and restart.The Adobe reader thingy is obviously not working . Tried a systems restore but that doesn't do anything either .I have no idea how to download another reader and am missing my Spectator crossword fix !
We use Firefox .
Any ideas ..thank you .


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I'm only on the outskirts of the big smoke, neti, so I've heard nothing and I can't find any problems listed in the travel news, so probably just a rumour. If he wanted to kill himself he could just throw himself on a net curtain and slit his throat.

Not sure I like this refurb, I used to like the lighter look it had. But I am probably just being grumpy because all I've had all day is buttered toast and chocolate. (The chocolate is to ensure I keep on putting on weight while being scoured out internally tomorrow.) And that Latest Post thing is no longer updating.
thanks jno, it is a toss up between jumping under a train and an overdose, so it´s anyone´s guess!

Daughter brought me a big bag of liccy allsorts and I've eaten about 8 of them and I feel sick, we cannot get them too often here which is why I'm eating them.
Evening biddies. Now *this* is how you bargain with god: 86 year old biddy upside down in a creek for two whole days in her Pontiac Firebird with her head in an air bubble, she starts negotiating with god telling him that if she gets out alive she will MAYBE start going to church - MAYBE. Wanda McKinnis, I love her, kept the newspaper snippet for ages in a box in my book shelf http://www.thefreelib...escapes...-a075295790

Been to town to buy a new landline phone. I saw a man who looked almost seventy but very vigorous, looked like a hippie, long white hair, he was on a bike and not only did he screech it to a halt at the zebra crossing but he also - deliberately - let it rear like a horse. Phew, I was happy to note he wore a helmet! (Says she who should wear a helmet just walking...)

Why can't I stick my nose out the door without buying rings and bracelets. I bought a beautiful silver bracelet, knitted - yes, knitted silver.

Well done with the golf, Jude's son and well done with the photos jno, that was one pretty bend in the river. Good luck for tomorrow with the explorations of the inner bends, and don't eat like a pig when they release you:)

I'm not sure if you're allowed to have that avatar, Vinny. Then on the other hand it seems ole Dodgy Eye of Derbyshire may have missed it, she hasn't raised hell yet>>>>

Mr S and Mr W, before long
thinking of you today jno...I hope it passes really quickly for you. DH came home fine, tired but fine so God gets to stay in my good books. Kit that is my kind of bargaining lol. I love the line in the Vicar of Dibley when Gerry is eating scones and cram and says "God did get some things right, men's bottoms for instance"...and back we go to Johnny D...

is your bracelet like this necklace?

Neti sorry to hear about your nail accident....sooo painful. Mine had a spate of splitting from top to bottom so i keep them short now :-(

Hope the rest of you and yours are getting and keeping well, especially the Shaneys and Robi...time for me to hit the hay.
it is passing already, thank you woofgang... perhaps I should do a minute-by-minute blog, a jnoscopy special... Glad to hear Mr W is making progress.
Morning folk. Quick look in to wish jno all the best with the oscopy today. Will be back later today, I'm off to Fakenham Market ...........

http://fakenhamtownco...mages/marketphoto.jpg change a top I bought last week. Friends down at the moment until Sunday so a bit busy the moment. I say friends, but the male of the partnership has been more like a brother to me in the 38+ plus years we have known each other and having such a small family, it's wonderful to have them down. He has a holiday home at Weybourne on the coast.

Love to you all and special thoughts to Shaney and MrS and Robi.

(Will study your photos in depth jno when I log in next. Your photos are always wonderful

Morning all...
Hope everyone in the sick bay & manicure menders is hanging on in there...oh sorry jno, you can't hang on can you?....are you ok? I've made arrangements for you..

Sorry, it's not funny, I'd absolutely hate it and I'm sure I'd faint after all that jollop & fasting ...all the best with it.

I could do with a good squirt of wd40, I had to come downstairs on a tray this morning, the humid weather's no good for creaky joints is it. It's looking suspiciously like rain & as I've got a machine full of washing I'll be a tad irked if it does.

I had to squint a bit but Vinny's avatar finally came into focus, I'd got the perspective all wrong, haha...I'll be having a word with him later.

That's very pretty woofy...I'll have a guess that Kit's bracelet's like this
hmmm? my 1st pic didn't show, is it because google images have gone & changed their format?
"pass quickly".....sorry didn't intend the pun :-(
That's no good to me Robi, I haven't "been" since last Friday. But it'll come in handy when I do!!!!

I imagine swedies's bracelet to look something like this

But sort of softer. Like chainmail! (if this piccy works)
Lol Robi it was worth the wait to see it! Gone a bit dull hasn't it. Cut my front grass and straightened the edges but can't be bothered to do the back today.
I'm off out to lunch today with my 'rock and rolling' friend who got married last year. We haven't had a good natter for ages so looking forward to hearing all her news.
Thinking about you Jno. I know what you're going through with the preparation. Eventually 'the going' subsides cos there's nothing left! It'll soon be over.
All the best to Mr DH and S.
A knitted silver bracelet sounds lovely Kit. How about a photo?
Same as me with your Nails Woofy. Always splitting. Anybody any solutions?

I'm off now so see yer later 'gater(s)!
well, since I actually took the Poxylax, nothing... just sitting here with my running shoes on, getting a bit bored... <drums fingers><starts another sudoku>

Yes, I noticed Google Images was looking all peculiar, is it getting more difficult to link to?
If you click on a pic from google images you get the option at the side for 'full size image'...I think I just happened to choose one that wasn't directly accessible.

I've always been lucky with my nails being strong & they grow quickly but those hand & nail creams are very good if used religiously...and no scrubbing the doorstep without ya rubber mitts.

I watched a lovely gentle film last night, Ladies in Lavender (Judi Dench, Maggie Smith) and the music was's one of the pieces with a mesmerising 5 min film...not good if you have vertigo though!
Yes that's a sweet film, very touchimg, I bought it from the beeb several years ago, along with My house in Umbria-Maggie smith.
I loved Miriam Margolyes, she doesn't have to say a word, the expression says it all... this could be some of us very soon...haha
What was the pie called Starry fishy pie or summat!
Starry gazey pie, that's it.
It be Stargazy pie, oooh arrr...
I just could not eat that!!!
Have decided to add a Henry to my family, I shall be posting his bnody back to Spain and I shall haul the tubes in suitcase. George is good, but can't shampoo carpets and is way too heavy for me to lug about now, will have to get him adopted (for a little cash!),r:0,s:0

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