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Changing Planes

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bednobs | 15:07 Fri 06th Aug 2021 | Travel
37 Answers
Hi, im going on holiday tomorrow and changing planes at edinburgh. To my horror, i have just realised there is only 40 minutes between landing and taking off. I have never not had a direct flight before - do they deal with luggage or do you have to queue up, get it then check in again (domestic flights)


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It depends. When you check in your luggage should be checked to your final destination so you would have nothing to do with the luggage in Edingburgh
Used to be the case that if you had booked a 'through' flight on one ticket then baggage would be dealt with by the transit airport, but if travelling on two separate tix then no.

But check with your airline/s.
If it's all part of the same package and when you first check-in (can't remember what airport you're starting at) if it's for you final destination then the transfer of luggage will be done automatically and you just go from one gate to the next at Edinburgh. If you've done it as 2 completely separate bookings then it certainly might be an issue as you would have to collect luggage. Hope you get there and have a great time anyway.
Good luck.
40 mins changeover is pushing it at any, airport, any travel arrangement and I personally would never doit.
Plus the fact that you suffer from an arthritic condition.
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thanks all - it's a thru ticket but i had to check in to both flights this morning
china, your link (whilst goo) does not cover domestic-domestic
When I’ve been on connecting flights with the same airline, I’ve been able to check in my luggage to the final destination.
The problem with very tight connections is that the passenger might make the flight but their baggage might not. Your saving grace might be that airports are fairly quiet at the moment. Keep your fingers crossed that your inbound flight is on time or early.
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sj in a thru flight is it the airlines responsibility or if i miss is will i have to pay again?
It depends on the goodwill of your airline. I have met many people over the years who have ignored (I'm not implying that your ignored anything) the minimum connection times and then complain that it's the airline's fault that they have missed their onward flight. If you don't mind me asking, are you a wheelchair passenger?
Enjoy your trip to my part of the world.

The good news is that as a through-ticket, if you miss your connecting flight, it is the responsibility of the airline to get you to your final destination (at no additional cost to you). This could include an overnight hotel stay if there are no further flights that day.

I’ve been in a similar situation where time was tight to make the connecting flight, knowing this, airline staff guided me to the correct departure gate – but I still had to go through the security rigmarole again despite not leaving air-side of the airport.

Listen out for the announcements towards the end of your flight as to which departure gate you need for your connecting flight – since there will be no display air-side of flight destinations and gate numbers.
is it one airline or two? Normally - at least in the good old days - one airline would take responsibility for you and your luggage. But if you're changing airlines in Edinburgh, I wouldn't be too sure.
^ That's not true if the passenger books a connecting flight which is not within minimum connecting times. If they do, it is not the airline's fault if they miss it. As I said, goodwill might come into play but it is no guaranteed.
okay, thanks 237SJ. In my own experience the airline would tell you you could/couldn't do it when you booked but that may just have been a goodwill thing rather than a guarantee.
Jno - my reply was to Hymie. I have lost count of the amount of people that I have seen who have been getting more and more stressed while we hold in London airspace and they can see their connecting flight going up in smoke because they ignored the minimum connecting times when they booked their tickets online.
See the information in this link re missed connecting flights:-

One line reads ‘Remember that the airline is responsible for your whole itinerary, from start to finish.’
If the airline allows you to book a through-ticket where there is insufficient time to make the transfer between flights – that is their problem, not yours.
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ok thanks all. im coming closer to you than i thought susan - im flying into edinburgh and coming back via glasgow

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