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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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This is ibiza, a law unto itself, no good investigating or trying to find out anything, they close up tighter that a clam. It's not normal here as one would imagine, they are very ill-educated and have very small minds, and if you don't speak the local dialect (I have a smattering - it's very difficult, cannot be read or written!) one hasn't a chance, but hey ho, we'll see what happened. I dread the verdict!!! cos if they damn well want something, nothing stops them.
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Should the verdict go against you (I don't think it will), perhaps there's some kind of EU something-something you could appeal to. There must be!
Hi All I'm now on the mend thank goodness and have been keeping up with all your posts.
Sorry to hear of your problems Neti I don't know how you are coping. I would be in a right state. Anyway I hope it works out well for you.
Talking about the ghost at the City Hospital. Do you believe in them Robi? They seem to be takling it very seriously though. Can't say I believe in them but then you never really know do you?
Even though I'm not 100% better yet I'm going out tonight to see No. 2 son play in his band. There are 2 bands on and they are playing for a charity. Don't know which one until I get there.
Anyway I hope you are all well and enjoy the rest of the weekend. :o) x

probably the Royal Society for the Treatment of Ailing Rock Band Audience Members, Jude... get well soon...
evenin all...good to see you on the right track again Jude. Ghosts? I have seen someone known to me & I have no doubts about what I saw so I have to say yes. I'm not so sure about lots of white whispy 'caspers' floating around though! I certainly feel presences like Kit did.

I forgot to say I enjoyed the ice & snow festival Kit it's amazing & such fantastic colours. I think we're in for some of the white stuff over here if the forecast's'll be less of a festival & more of a fiasco I 'spect. And I've got to have one of those whatever clocks...hahaha....actually it would be perfect for my oldest son. Oh heck Dolly is this yours?

Try not to worry neti I'm sure everything will be alright
<easy for me to say?....I was born worried>

blimey, if I'd been made to wear a Where's Wally hat from birth I'd be not so gruntled either, Robinia.
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Love that baby! <How utterly tutworthy! She didn't mention Paul Nicholls!> Yes I'd go for the whatever clock too if I wanted a wall clock at all Robinia but I don't. But I've finally, after approximately five years of wanting one, sent for a zen alarm clock (left-most, pyramid-like). I chose the honey wood finish and the antique arabic dial face and I firmly expect it to make my awakenings less traumatic :-) Hasn't arrived yet, it's in Denver right now! (I'm constantly clicking the package track link they emailed, just can't wait!) Check that site out, jno, fellow involuntary night owl.

Not even the lurgy will keep our Jude from dancing. And a hundred years from now you'll still be at it at the ghost ball won't you Jude :-)
Kit, it seems to me the words 'zen' and 'alarm' are mutually contradictory. A clock that just goes ommmm at me isn't really going to push me out of bed, is it?

I prefer to be woken by my valet: ck,news-24338.html
That clock's brill Jno Had me in stitches, I didn't wake up till 9 ths morning but who wants to get up early on a Sunday. My night out was very good. When I got there they were just presenting cheques to 7 different charities they had been collecting for over the last year, One of the charities was the Rainbow children's care homes. They were presented by the same group of people who do sponsored things throughout the year and last year they raised around �11000 which I thought was great for a small group of people to collect. Then it was the bands turn to do their bit and a good night was had by all.
Back on the subject of ghosts. I know I said I'm a bit sceptical (you can't be a bit sceptical can you, you either are or you aren't) but I don't think it would scare me if I did see what I thought was a ghost.
Anybody know what Twitter is I keep hearing about it on BBC Radiio 1.
Having a lazy day today. Had Turkey leftovers from Christmas for my dinner. Watched Nadal beat Federer in Australia and am still celebrating Derbys win over Coventry yesterday.

Finally thanks again for your kind words, I am feeling better by the day now.
Tske care see yer later 'gater(s) x

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ROFLMAO@ the Jeeves alarm! Jno I hate you, just as I've spent half my fortune on an alarm I've been wanting for years you show me this one...!

Good morning Jude - nah, who wants to get up early on a Sunday. Twitter is a mini-blog/mini-diary by which you're able to let people know what you're doing right now. As you're doing it right now, you can't really give them a call, but you can always find the time to write one short line like "Dire Straits have just entered the stage!" or whatever, if you're at a concert for instance. Or "I have just entered the kitchen!"... or anything else you think your friends would like to know, ha ha. I think you publish these status updates to a web page (same way you do to a blog) and I presume you don't have to carry your laptop with you to do it, you probably just send a text message and your status report will appear on your page. By the same token, there is an option for your "followers" (subscribers) to receive your status reports as a text message. I think. Something like that. So it's a way of keeping in touch. Cynics would say it's a way of letting people know what an interesting life you are leading. I wouldn't say that - I enjoy reading the status reports on Facebook, which are similar to Twitter.

Had trouble posting, I was directed to My Profile when I clicked Answer. If other biddies don't post today, that may be what's happening to them, too.
Hi Kit </.b> Twitter sounds too complicated for me I think I'll stick to my biddyfriends. :o)
ooops sorry. Managed to send this post ok except for shouting!!!
Bonsoir....I love that clock jno "A gentleman calling himself Mr Cruise....."....brilliant

Are you all snowed in yet? We've had some on & off all afternoon and there's a light covering.... better get your bushes's the klanman... :o)

You can stop tutting now Sweedie I realised as soon as I'd hit the close down button & the national anthem started playing that I'd forgotten to mention Paul....he should see a doctor about all that twitching, haha.

it's high time we had a new logo

(that just might go in suggs tomorrow)

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Should definitely go in Suggs, it's too cute! You made the drawing yourself? (She won't answer that, and that'll mean yes.) Wish you'd let us rate your drawers on that site Robinia;-) - you're very talented too, like the yokel. Oi! Yokel! I've got a plan for how you could work less and spend more time with the biddies: You get your neighbour's cat a roomba, bring him to work with you and introduce him as your assistant, and before you know it he'll be doing all your work for you - and enjoying it too, by the looks of it :-)
Morning imps..!
bit cloudy and cold out.luv that cat..hahahaha.!see you lot have been invaded by the russian snow....that swede could have stuck her hair dryer out of the window and blew it back to it was passing over...well my roads are snowless so have to plod on....yo
later ....(*_*)
Morning all - lovely day here, then came the clouds and then they went again. Waiting for man to arrive to put my phone through the internet for cheaper calls.

Love the new AB logo.

Glad you are feeling almost well again Jude get reading that Tom Gordon, I've finished it now and think I know the answer!!
<abominable snowstik tumbles in the door...>

oh chuffin' ada, bl00dy silly weather (anybody says they love it gets my shovel round their ear)...up to the danglies on me dog it is ...

now stand back while I shake myself

(click the big letters for the music, roll over keys to see me go, hahaha)
ooops..spoke to soon.The blooming snows reached us..!(:O)thats good ribenia..
Evening snowpeople
We don't actually have any snow .Well it's been snowing but not laid .Too bloomin' damp here ! But a rotten cold day nonetheless.Very windy and me mini greenhouse has decamped to the other side of the garden .
Hope you are well and over any lurgies etc.
I have not been well at all .Had a horrible rheumatoid attack thingy but it's eased up now and I can totter better .
Alarm clocks eh ?
I gave those up when I gave up work .I refuse to be a slave to a clock even if it does go Ooom .No alarm clocks at Shaneytowers .
I prefer Lampwick ..and.. Oi ..get up you lazy B. yer toast's on the table .
Take care all and keep warm xx
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Evening biddies. Just want you to know that if I win a Paul McCartney lithography it will be thanks to you lot going on about the snow. "?????" I hear them say. Well, after reading your posts I was going to write something about how we up here do not have any snow, but before writing that I thought I'd better check the weather report, and doing that I stumbled upon a quiz held by a morning paper where one person wins this lithography, and today was the final date for participating, so I've been doing Beatles research for the past couple of hours (eleven questions, none of them easy) and learned all sorts of things I never knew, such as Paul has a brother who was in a band too. Fancy that. Hope I win. You were required to also write a reason for why you should be the one to win - if I do win I'll tell you what I wrote. this is the lithography

Love that Neil Young song Vinny, I can't believe it's not him singing? (The poster says it's a cover.)

In the continuing story of my spending spree we have now reached the episode where I go out to buy a pedal bin and almost get run over by five minute dogs ha ha ha. I think it must have been a day care centre for dogs, but the woman holding their leads looked so stern I didn't ask. Also went to my organic food store for some chutney and was offered (are you sitting down, Robinia) custard for free. (Expiration date.) Didn't know what to do with it so I (sit down again) turned it down. It was chocolate (??) and soy based. I still haven't grasped the full meaning of "custard", but that didn't sound great.

You've finished the book and you think you know the answer, that's so puzzling, Neti... (oh but perhaps you'd better not elaborate, if Jude's going to read it.)

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