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What Strange Ideas They Had...

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ferlew | 21:15 Sat 18th Jan 2014 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
Just watching a prog about Princess Alice, Prince Phillip's mum. When she went into the mental hospital, they diagnosed her as having anaemia of the brain.
Thank goodness we have come on a bit since then.


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Blimey. What was it actually?
Think about people being locked up for years with mental issues that we can now treat. Think about women being shut away for having an illegitimate child. Just what was the problem with the woman in the attic in Jane Eyre? - nothing much, probably....
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Flipping scary Boxtops, thank goodness times have changed.
they did the best they could with what they knew, as we do. Our grandchildren will no doubt be amazed at some of our stupid diagnoses.
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Oh yes, agree.
Anaemia can affect many different organs of the body including the brain.Not strange at all.Google -'Brain Anaemia'.
Ferlew //We've come on a bit since then//

I sometimes wonder what we are doing now that will be considered to have been barbaric practices in a few years' time.
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Yes, something to think about.
I watched this programme some time ago. She was treated pretty abysmally by her family wasn't she? No wonder she ended up becoming a nun. She did one or two mildly shocking things for her time and I found myself silently cheering her on at times.
we haven't really.....they still fry people's brains with electricity and don't know how it works.....just that it does!

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