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Reflex Tv Game Show Music Vs Transformers Film Music

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Iggle Piggle | 21:11 Sat 18th Jan 2014 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Anyone noticed how similar these pieces of music are?
The Transformers (Revenge Of The Fallen) soundtrack is by Steve Jablonski and I'm thinking some music copyright lawyer might want to grab some headphones and have a listen...


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Sorry, I didn't iggle piggle. I was transfixed by the awfulness and tedium of the programme.
Ken Bruce trying to sound excited about action going on in slow motion. A dire programme.
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Oh, I so agree Chrissa1 but I heard the music in the background.
I don't, as a rule watch TV, the programs are desperately bad now with too many if-you-have-no-self-pride-you-can-make-yourself-rich type of programs.
Just skimming through episode 2 on Iplayer, the music at the end was definitely from one of the Transfomers films, so your ears weren't deceiving you. TV companies often use film soundtrack music as background audio. No copyright infrigement is intended - they will pay for the use of it, as they do for all the music they use.

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Reflex Tv Game Show Music Vs Transformers Film Music

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