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Theme-Around The Garden

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ratebeck2 | 17:26 Sun 11th Nov 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
1) US state slow mover
2) BBRTWSEYARRDE (anagram-2 words)
3) Is she an uppity miss?
4) Does Lulu pin her hair up?
5) The heir is the first born


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4 Lupin, in clue
5 iris, in clue
1, virginia creeper ?
1 very iffy, Texas tortoise
2 strawberry bed?
3. Very iffy, but if you section off the following, you can make Petunia
is sh EANUP(p)IT y miss
can't see anything else there.
3, I can see Mississippi in there but thats about it ??
3. Prim Rose ??
3 narcissus?
Narcissus in Myth was male.
I know that mamyalynne , thus the ?
3 Uppity is prim, so jj looks fitting with PrimRose.

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Theme-Around The Garden

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