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Global Warming - Is it happening?

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birdie1971 | 03:13 Wed 15th Oct 2008 | News
44 Answers
I don't know about you, but I doubt that Global Warming is happening. Even if it is, I doubt that mankind is responsible.

For sceptics and adherents alike, please take some time to watch and absorb the words of Professor Bob Carter... ure=related ure=related ure=related

Comments on this would be interesting.


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I think NJ the idea that George Bush "Would wouldn't he?" is pretty ridiculous considering his background in oil and his history of resistance.

I could quote scientific reseach from major bodies and recognised institutuions until I'm blue in the face. But whether you choose to deny it or not, with Bush and the US presidential candidates accepting the issue there is now a political consensus that the overwhealming scientific evidence is credible and pressing.

You can stick to your conspiracy theories all you like - nobody's listening
Bleedin cold in here on this off to get active & warm up!

Global warming....phooooeeee....quangos drumming up income more like. Next we'll be taxed on the 'air we breathe'!

My burning of plastic bottles & rubbish still on and, as you can see, am not poisoned as yet!
I've never suggested the climate is not changing, even less have I made such a suggestion "with my fingers crossed and my eyes scrunched closed really tight". On the contrary, an extract from my reply to the earlier answer:

"Of course changes to the Earth�s climate are taking place. They always have and always will."

What I've suggested is that any such changes are unlikely to be countered by increasing taxes or, for that matter, by changing your light bulbs for ones contaminated with mercury that emit harmful radiation. The beneficial effects of such measures are too insignificant.

The planet will adapt to whatever is thrown at it. It will not "die". Mankind will, that's for sure, and that's what doom mongers mean when they talk of the death of the planet, as if we are the only thing that matters.

Just how quickly that happens will not be influenced by a punative tax regime.
Global Warming does happen - naturally. Many scientists subscribe to the man made theory simply to get funding. More and more are now becoming sceptical of the use of their name.

Of course man does have some part to play, chopping down rainforests will affect things, however I dobt paving your lawn will. Next ime you are in an aircraft look out the window, its green - everywhere. Mral of the story "look further than the end of your nose".

Politicians love it - what better excuse to put taxes up.

Odd how the lefties all post Bush as a useless oil mongering puppet - until it suits their cause.

Get real Mother nature is a powerful beast and very changeable - go to the natural history museam Iits free) and look at the weather changes. It goes in cycles, probably so the earth can refesh itsself. Of course the human race may not be in her plans for the future but you wont be able to fight it.
As far as I am aware, ice ages last for millions of years, and the last one wasn't that long ago (relatively - I'm not suggesting it was yesterday or anything!). Therefore, the earth is still warming up.

And even of Britain cut our emissions down, we are just a drop in the pond compared to places like China and America.

I don't believe in global warming and will continue to run my car engine while I scrape the windscreen in winter so it's nice and cosy when I get in!
Basically we're all screwed. The earth is like an oil tanker heading for the rocks. If we cut the engines dead, the ship will slow to a stop after 10 miles. Unfortunately the rocks are 5 miles away. Meanwhile all the officers are having a heated debate because they can't agree whether to reduce speed by 10 or 15%, and whether they should do it now or in half an hours time.
Careful you last two heretics!

You�ll have jake, Quinlad and the rest round your house forcing you to change your light bulbs.

They know where you live!
But, ludwig, you have not said how sharp the rocks are, how deep the water is, or how resiliant the hull of the Good Ship Earth is.
Genuine question:

Why is it that lefties tend to believe in man-made climate change and righties don't?

Why does it fall so neatly along political lines? Is it the resentment at parting with money?
I have still to see a weather forecast that has been accurate for more than 10 days in the future.

But apparently, they can predict with certainty what will happen in 20 years.

This is factual data that people such as Jake the Peg, Quinlad, Jogger Jayne etc will have you believe.

A lot of scientist and famous people have said so, so it must be true.

Check out the 'science' of Eugenics in the early part of the 20th century. Look at how many scientist and authorities told us how the human race would suffer and potentially die out.

Look at how many millions of people round the world were effected by this.
Well I think we're perilously close to agreeing because I don't think we're going to be able to tackle it either.

I do think it's human caused - or at least I think the initial warming was natural but unlike other warmings has continued ans not subsided because of the extra CO2 we've added.

A lot of the damage for the next 50 years has already taken place and we're waiting for the effects to kick in and I don't think there will be the political will to do what need to be done to halt it.

I hope that the "tipping point" scenarios turn out not to occur - in which case some very extreme things might happen. But even without them we're going to see some pretty bad stuff happening in the more vulnerable places.

I wouldn't be buying any villas in southern Spain
Quinlad - what lefties like George Bush? 'Green' David Cameron?
Oh and to continue the maritime theme.

I don't think many Captains would ask how sharp the rocks are and how solid his hull was before deciding whether or not to continue sailing right onto a beach!

Especially when there's an ominous scraping sound coming from the bottom of the keel!
No, but the passengers on the ship might before taking orders to take to the lifeboats in icy or shark-infested waters.
I watched a show today on Natgeo channel that said it is established that even in the last ice age the temerature of the planet was going up and down so much that there would be a general thaw every so often, enough so that the animals of the African plains wondered around this country.
I don't fully understand whats going on but I do know that things are not the same as they used to be.
In the general scheme of things I have only been on this world for a nano-second so I can't fully appreciate how it all works. But I will do my best not to do anything that will interfer with that balance.
You know I went to Brighton in Summer and water was up to my ankles, few hours later at the same spot water was almost touching my knees���.Oh my God, I worked it out there and then,

that glaciers had already started to melt, It is too late to ban ciggis.
Look it's like this:

There have always been variations, warmings and coolings. But this one is different.

Pretty much every reputable scientific organisation now agrees that human activity is the reason for this.

What we don't know for certain is how bad it will be.

There are a small number of people who are still refusing to accept this - often for political reasons.

Here is the Royal Society's page refuting the arguments most commonly put forward by the skeptics:

The Earth's climate is always changing is dealt with in point 1

The idea that it's caused by the Sun is point 6


Of course you could believe that thousands of the most capable scientists in the world have all missed these obvious points

Or like youngmafbog choose to believe that actually it's all a gigantic conspiracy between hundreds of thousands of scientists across the world to get more funding.

But I think were rather heavilly into Dan Brown country by then aren't we?
Here's proof that Global warming is a fact .

I rustled me up a scotch on the rocks earlier - telephone rang - by the time i got back to my drink the ice had disapeared .
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Beso - "Stop debating..."

No. That�s what science does, it debates. If you don�t understand this then you don�t understand science.
No Global Warming has been detected since 1998. Even the IPPC has admitted this. They confidently predict that it will recommence in 2015 though.

The bottom line is this. Thousands of ice cores have been taken in Greenland and Russia since the 1970s. Every single one of them tells the same story. The temperature rises on Earth, then with a delay of 700/800 years, CO2 rises with it. CO2 does not drive temperature � it follows it. Arguing that CO2 drives climate is like saying that it�s the cart that pushes the horse.

The most fundamental principal on which the Global Warming alarmists have based their case is wrong.
The only reason governments of the world have embraced this is because they can use it to raise taxes. They can do this because of the pathetically under educated masses who cannot tell �good� science from �bad� science.

From your answer Beso, I would be amazed that you even know what a sound scientific theory is.
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Quinlad � Re: �TRANSLATION�

You are an idiot. Please tell me where I said that it �inconveniences� me? I didn�t. You assumed it.

I�m all for recycling because I understand that this small planet we live on has finite resources. But that�s not my question is it?

I�m going to assume something too � you believe the Global Warming rubbish.

Wake up and smell the coffee. It�s a scam.
As usual, people who really believe in Global Warming never discuss the science behind it. Just as Bob Carter says in the links I provided (which I assume you�ve not bothered to view), �Attack the man. Repeat the mantra�.

If you�re going to argue for Global Warming you need come up with something a little more concrete. Or you could just attack my views without ever discussing the science. Which is what the Global Warming alarmist do all the time.

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