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Qmark78 | 19:53 Fri 29th Dec 2006 | News
21 Answers
Anybody else notice Saddam didnt wear a tie for any of his court appearences

was he having a premonition about having something round his neck?


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The same premonition many thousands have also had about him no doubt. Not heard any better news all year. I believe they are filming it?
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I have no idea to be honest but i think they have to for whatever legality

in this day and age no doubt it will be leaked onto the web within hours
No doubt it will be. However, i'm sure there will be plenty of people who DO want to watch it , if only to be certain there is a definite end to him and all he signifies.
Apparently it will be filmed. It'll be on youtube by the end of the day tomorrow, depending on time differences!
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Wonder how he feels now knowing he will be dead 2moro not quite the same as facing the boss when you have made a boob at work is it
I think he's probably cr@pping his pants but counts himself lucky he is getting the relatively easy way out. Surprised they haven't decided to torture him, give him a taste of his own medicine.
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they are torturing him they have given him the x factor album for xmas
Haha! Are they making him watch Eastenders too? And i do hope they are throwing in loads of sofa sale adverts for good measure!!!
And spinning Dolphins!!!!
This was the leader of a country. The indignity of an execution carried out by the Shias must be overwhelming. If he has to go why not slip him a cyanide pill so that he can retain some dignity.
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he doesnt deserve dignity
Did his victims die with dignity
What dignity did he give to his thousands of victims? At least he knows WHY he is being punished, unlike those he murdered.
Good riddance to the beast
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Somewhat controversial and im not saying this for effect

but what has happened to Iraq since he has been taken out of power it has gone crazy with mob rule and continuing violence that nobody can control

saddam did keep the natives in check and patronising this may seem but i do believe in these countries the general public need to be kept in check by a dictator like saddam

we and our friends the americans steamed in there and 'freed' the people and it has blown there minds they simply cannot handle freedom as such and we see the results on sky news weekly
Isn't it human nature to retaliate? Saddam's opposition were not arranging a peace protest, they were out to kill him. He decided to strike first and the enemy as he saw it suffered.
Maybe if the UK population rose up, similar to the Animal Rights protests, against Blair's policies the Army would be out on the street to silence them?
Without knowing the mind of Saddam these sort of thoughts must have crossed his mind.
They went into Iraq and created a power vacuum and any daft so and so knows when you do that, all of the nasties come out of the woodwork and start vieing for power. Be it when a drug dealer is jailed and taken off the streets or a dictator is deposed, it's all the same. I just can't believe anyone was naieve enough to think that there wouldn't be a civil war once he was deposed and they were given "democracy".
Democracy is after all a polite word for mob rule.
I hope he dies quickly and as easily as possible, as I would any person being executed as I don't believe in capital punishment since I believe it denigrates mankind as a whole.
Most prisoners have their tie and belt removed as these can be used in suicide attempts.

(Maybe we should leave a few ties and belts in his cell)
He wouldnt have the bottle to do it though!!!!
prisoners wear no belt, tie or shoelaces
Im ready for the abuse............................ but I assume that the execution will be put on the net

Anyone know where it can be viewed yet?

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