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Can Britain's Far-Right Be Compared With Islamic Terrorism?

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anotheoldgit | 12:40 Tue 27th Feb 2018 | News
65 Answers
If so why is it that it has took the retiring assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan police to make us aware of this in his speech to the annual Colin Cramphorn memorial lecture in central London.


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// Morally no, but in a terrorist war, when the only uniform worn is middle eastern dress then I am afraid everyone of them are suspect. //

Do I understand you to say that when you see someone wearing Middle Eastern dress, you presume they may be a terrorist?

That is pre-judging someone in a hostile manner purely on the basis of their ethnicity. There is a label for people who do that, and I know that you know what it is.

// Could even you pick out those who would do us no harm, and could you honestly say that you would feel at ease on London's underground, sitting next to an obvious Muslin clutching a ruck sack? //

Personally, I have sat many times on London Underground trains with people of other nationalities carrying rucksacks, but I don't automatically assume that they are terrorist bombers!

But then again, I wouldn't assume that a man with cropped hair wearing Doc Martens was automatically a Far Right agitator ready to beat me up for being a 'Muslim apologist'.

It would be somewhat what unfair of me to judge someone on the train with cropped hair and Doc Martens - it would be me!

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/// AOG if someone was to call you a facist or racist you would run to the Ed to complain - can you not show the same respect to others? ///
I did not call AH a fascist or a racist and I do not go running to the Ed to complain, that honour must be laid at the door of someone else that despises your wrongful regular insinuations against them.
AOG - // I did not call AH a fascist or a racist ...

No - just a 'Muslim apologist' - so that's alright then!!!!
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/// I am unsure why you feel the need to be offensive - yet again - but I am happy to remind you that I am not a 'Muslim apologist', so I'd appreciate you not referring to me as one. ///

Since you regularly stand up in defence of Islam and Muslims I would not think that the correct terminology a 'Muslim apologist' would have been offensive to you.

I say now as a person who would speak up in defence of Christianity, I would not take offence at being called a 'Christian apologist'.

Just a gentle reminder to keep to the question please everyone.
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On the advice of the Ed, there is no way that the actions of the Far-Right can be compared with the actions of the Islamic terrorists.
Thanks AOG
I did not say you called him a facist or a racist - did I
There have been right wing actions that can be compared to Islamic terrorists. The Brick Lane bombing, and the Soho Pub bombing were terrible actions not threats.

You seem to be in denial of the possibility that right wing terrorists are capable of terrorist actions. You think
They are just people on peaceful marches. And you think (without any evidence) that the security agencies are lying or exaggerating about any right wing threats.
AOG - // Since you regularly stand up in defence of Islam and Muslims I would not think that the correct terminology a 'Muslim apologist' would have been offensive to you. //

Coyness and cod innocence doesn't suit you.

You know that that the term 'Muslim apologist' is offensive, otherwise you would have not have used it.

If you are going to be offensive, at least have the adult sense of self-belief, and being able to stand behind your remarks, and don't try and back scuttle a pathetic denial which simply adds insult to injury.

AB SpareEd - this is my last word on AOG's typical attempt to derail a thread into his own personal vendetta.

Back to the subject at hand ...

well, as the the counter terrorism cheif has compared them, i suspect he has more experience than you in this area
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Who continues not to take the advice of the Ed?
At the end of the day he is the expert 'we' are not therefore if he links them so be it!
Islay - // At the end of the day he is the expert 'we' are not therefore if he links them so be it! //

A fair point.

I read the OP - I answered it, and gave reasons for my answer.

There was a point raised which went off the OP, and I answered that as well.

Personally, barring any additional points than those raised thus far, I have nothing else to add.
Funny old world. Mark Rowley is now the darling of the left. With just a few words to seduce them he immediately wipes from their memories the approbation heaped upon him by the very same left when he presided over the actions that led to the shooting of Mark Duggan. To say nothing of the Millie Dowler fiasco and the phone hacking scandal. I suppose he is fluttering his not so shy eyelids at the media position he covets. He always did like the limelight. Now if Cressida Dick was making these trite "statements" I would give it a second though. Meanwhile back to the not so fatuous real world.
//Can Britain's Far-Right Be Compared With Islamic Terrorism?//

Simple answer. No.
Naomi - // //Can Britain's Far-Right Be Compared With Islamic Terrorism?//

Simple answer. No. //

Ironically, it's 'Simple answer - yes' - for the reasons outlined by myself and others.
My answer is no.
Naomi - // My answer is no. //

That's different.

Perhaps if you were less inclined to declaim like yours is the last word on the subject and offer what in fact you have - which is an opinion, then people would be more inclined to accept that - I certainly would.
andy-hughes, that’s the second time in the past half an hour you’ve posted what I can only described as gobbledegook to me and I’m too tired to bother to ask you what you’re talking about …. so I won’t.

My answer to the question is 'no' – and that answer is addressed to the OP.

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