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Can Britain's Far-Right Be Compared With Islamic Terrorism?

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anotheoldgit | 12:40 Tue 27th Feb 2018 | News
65 Answers
If so why is it that it has took the retiring assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan police to make us aware of this in his speech to the annual Colin Cramphorn memorial lecture in central London.


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More far-right nutters;

One caused carnage and the other was, thankfully, stopped....
I know. It's a matter of numbers. AOG sees a bigger threat from Islam than Britain First and such like because there are more of them.
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/// There is nothing to be gained in spreading panic among the public by advising every single plot and counter-measure, when they cannot do anything effective, but can do something ineffective, which is worry. ///

Then why the need for the retiring assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan police, now to make the public aware of any threatened Far-Right terrorism action?

/// To address your Question - in the sense that both groups are extremists, and prone to use violence to enforce their view ///

One must agree, one would be a fool not to.

/// then yes, there is a valid comparison between the two. ///

It is this that I disagree with, there is no valid comparison regarding threats to the public, the two groups, (by the way both are Far-Right), one a backward World wide threatening religious group Islam, the other being those much more less threatening groups whose only enemy is that particular religion, for the crimes they have carried out in the past.

//Then why the need for the retiring assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan police//
The word retiring plays a vital part in your question and answer.
Wonder what the per capita spending, of our cash strapped police force, is on the investigating and bringing to justice of Far Right "terrorists" and the fundamentalist Islamic would be mass killers.
// the other being those much more less threatening groups whose only enemy is that particular religion, for the crimes they have carried out in the past. //
But those that have carried out those crimes are a very small almost tiny % - so its ok to threaten totally innocent people just because of their religion is it?
You complain that Isis do that and here you are saying it is OK for others to do it? - I am confused.
"?? I honestly don't understand your answer.
What the report says is that Far-Right groups and Islamic groups are comparable, and since many will disagree with this, is why I am asking my question"
I dont understand (again!) why you think many people disagree that they are comparable (after all they are all being dealt with by the counter-terror department)
they both seem to want to hurt people who don't agree with their life-view, they both hate other people, they both seem ultra-conservative in their views
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/// My position is that even though the threat from the far right is lower than other threats, they are credible threats and we should not ignore them. Do you agree ? ///

I agree entirely, but if they do exist we should be told what these threats were, just so that we know they are valid and not just made to seem like on par to the numerous Islamic attacks that take place al over the World.

All in the name of of diversity you understand? :0)
AOG - // andy-hughes
/// There is nothing to be gained in spreading panic among the public by advising every single plot and counter-measure, when they cannot do anything effective, but can do something ineffective, which is worry. ///

Then why the need for the retiring assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan police, now to make the public aware of any threatened Far-Right terrorism action? //

I don't know - you'd need to ask the retiring Assistant Commissioner that - he knows, I have no idea.

/// To address your Question - in the sense that both groups are extremists, and prone to use violence to enforce their view ///

One must agree, one would be a fool not to.

/// then yes, there is a valid comparison between the two. ///

It is this that I disagree with, there is no valid comparison regarding threats to the public //

My comparison was not made on the basis of threats to the public - it was made on the basis that both use violence in the pursuit of their aims.

The minute we delve into the differences, and there are many of them, we are off down a series of side-roads from the main point.

I suggest that your comparison is one of those - yes it is a valid point, but it distracts from the simple answer to your OP.

If you wish to debate differences, then you need to re-post with that as the thrust of your OP - I beleive you OP has been answered by myself, and others.
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AOG - // ackthehat

More Islamic nutters. //

I don't think it's a competition!
//I don't think it's a competition! //

Hi Ronny. :))
Question Author
/// It's not based on a totting up procedure, it's based on an attitude, which they have in common. ///

No matter how much you jiggle with words in your well know Islam apologetic's way.

As the old saying goes "actions speak louder than words"

And not even you can say that the actions carried out on behalf of Islam can be compared with the present actions carried out on behalf of the so called Far-Right, which mainly consist of a few persons who dare to speak out regarding the spread of Islam in the UK and those who join them in their intended peaceful marches until the Far-Left turn out in opposition.
There were nine terrorist plots twarted last year.

The plots are secret for security reasons. While it would be nice to know more details, Security must come first.

We do not need to know details of previous twarted attacks. The inference that the security services may be lying about (right wing) plots is extremely offensive to those tasked with keeping us safe.
//No matter how much you jiggle with words in your well know Islam apologetic's way//
AOG if someone was to call you a facist or racist you would run to the Ed to complain - can you not show the same respect to others?
The retiring terrorism chief was not talking about...

// the present actions carried out on behalf of the so called Far-Right, which mainly consist of a few persons who dare to speak out regarding the spread of Islam in the UK and those who join them in their intended peaceful marches //

He was talking about TERRORISM plots. Your debrate confusing of acts of free speech with murderous plots is more offensive behaviour n your part.
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/// My comparison was not made on the basis of threats to the public - it was made on the basis that both use violence in the pursuit of their aims. ///

And is not that violence a threat to the public, and in Islam's case not just threats but actual mass killings.
AOG - // andy-hughes
/// It's not based on a totting up procedure, it's based on an attitude, which they have in common. ///

No matter how much you jiggle with words in your well know Islam apologetic's way.

As the old saying goes "actions speak louder than words" //

I am unsure why you feel the need to be offensive - yet again - but I am happy to remind you that I am not a 'Muslim apologist', so I'd appreciate you not referring to me as one.

//And not even you can say that the actions carried out on behalf of Islam can be compared with the present actions carried out on behalf of the so called Far-Right, which mainly consist of a few persons who dare to speak out regarding the spread of Islam in the UK and those who join them in their intended peaceful marches until the Far-Left turn out in opposition. //

'Not even I ...' have suggested such a thing, so while you are hopefully remembering not to put offensive labels on my views, perhaps you'll include not saying things I haven't said as though I have said them, and them criticising me for it.

That's how debates sink into petty scrapping, so let's get back on track - shall we?
AOG - // andy-hughes

/// My comparison was not made on the basis of threats to the public - it was made on the basis that both use violence in the pursuit of their aims. ///

And is not that violence a threat to the public, and in Islam's case not just threats but actual mass killings. //

It is - but that does not negate the point I made - it simply tacks another sub-section onto it which I did not put in.
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/// But those that have carried out those crimes are a very small almost tiny % - so its ok to threaten totally innocent people just because of their religion is it? ///

Morally no, but in a terrorist war, when the only uniform worn is middle eastern dress then I am afraid everyone of them are suspect.
Could even you pick out those who would do us no harm, and could you honestly say that you would feel at ease on London's underground, sitting next to an obvious Muslin clutching a ruck sack?

Sad that the majority have to suffer for the actions and beliefs of a few, but until they take to the streets in mass protests against some of their fellow followers of Islam, so be it.

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