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Have Lessons Been Learned, Or Will These Foreign Groomers Continue To Abuse Our Girls And Women?

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anotheoldgit | 13:58 Sat 24th Feb 2018 | News
146 Answers

/// The review noted the abusers were mainly ‘not white but came from a diverse range of backgrounds including Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkish, Albanian and Eastern European’. ///


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NO. Lessons have NOT been learned & these foreign groomers will continue to abuse our Girls & Women until we finally grasp the nettle & stop being afraid of being called RACIST. I am not racist I am not afraid to say these Asian B.stards must be stopped & punished. We want our heads looked at for allowing these practices to go on for so long. IT IS TIME IT IS SORTED.
By the way, you don't limit the number of today's rapes by education, you do it by vigorous application of the law.

It's got nothing to do with race, WhiskeryRon. And the consistent use of the code word "Asian" by politicians and the media is insulting to those Asian groups not involved in sexual grooming, most especially the Sikhs whose young daughters were the very first targets of the predators. That's going back to the eighties, by the way.
BA for Ron, bang on.
Khandro - // andyhughes // journalist talking rather tediously about doing his job. //
I can't believe anyone could say such a thing if they had heard that story - but then this is andyhughes and nothing should surprise me. //

I can't believe that anyone thinks that 'Tommy Robinson' is a good and brave man - life is just full of surprises isn't it.
vetuste - // By the way, you don't limit the number of today's rapes by education, you do it by vigorous application of the law. //

No - but you eliminate tomorrow's rapes, which is the point I actually made.
andyhughes; The more you speak, the more ignorant you appear, the video I have posted above has, I say for the third time, nothing at all to do with T.Robinson, if you had watched it, as you definitely can't have done revealed by your fatuous comments, you would understand that.

As vetuste has said, it is well worth watching (in fact a must) by anyone concerned about this subject, and it reveals many unpleasant facts. This a reporter who deserves full marks for determination and dogged insistence in highlighting the truth, and full marks also should go to The Times editor for his unflagging support of him.
andy-hughes, // a journalist talking rather tediously about doing his job.//

An incredibly stupid statement that can only emanate from a combination of supreme arrogance and complete and utter ignorance. I suggest that before commenting further you watch the video and digest its content.
// Our Girls And Women //

A rather possessive term, and pretty inaccurate as far as grooming victims are concerned. They are vunerable to these predatory men precisely because no one is looking after them. It is a bit rich to call them ‘our girls’ when we have neglected them and put them in their vunerable positions.

// We know from our own specialist services that people who sexually exploit children particularly prey on the most vulnerable 16 and 17 year olds. They will go to great lengths to target vulnerable young people, using gifts, affection, money, alcohol, drugs - or the promise of love. Victims are commonly teenagers in the care system, with backgrounds of abuse and neglect. //
After watching in full Khandro's video I am shocked to the core at some of the comments here. I can only assume that some of you could not possibly have watched it. There was nothing tedious about the journalist or what he had to say. Also I couldn't believe what I was hearing about the young girl who was reported missing by her mother the same evening she didn't come home. When someone heard screaming and reported it to the police she was found drunk and being abused by a queue of men, was then herself arrested for being underage and drunk!! Unbelievable!
Good for him and good for The Times.
Just to be clear to the usual insulting posters - I have watched the video, and I am as entitled to express a view as anyone else.
Khandro - // andyhughes; The more you speak, the more ignorant you appear, the video I have posted above has, I say for the third time, nothing at all to do with T.Robinson, if you had watched it, as you definitely can't have done revealed by your fatuous comments, you would understand that. //

Rudeness aside - I know the video has nothing to do with 'Tommy Robinson' - I mentioned him in response to your sarcasm that 'nothing should surprise you' about what I post - my answer is an example of what I can't believe, I simply used 'Tommy Robinson' as the last example of your beliefs.

And as advised, I have watched the video, you really must learn to understand that just because someone does not agree with your assessment of a video must automatically mean that they haven't watched it.

Differing opinions are allowed on here - it's called free speech.
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Khandro - I appreciate that you occasionally need to revert to type, but allow me to explain something to you about the concept of Free Speech in general, and here on the Answerbank in particular -

You are completely entitled to disagree with my view, you are not however entitled to insult me for holding and expressing a view.

Your rudeness has been reported.
andy-hughes, You disparagingly refer to the speaker in Khandro’s video as //a journalist talking rather tediously about doing his job// and yet he, with the support of reputable British newspaper, exposed the appalling abuse and exploitation of young girls by Muslim men, something that the authorities were aware of for years but ignored. Fifty men stood in line waiting to have sex with one little girl – and that too was ignored. Exposing that is to you ‘tedious’? Really?

A few days ago you gave the impression that you are a victim here by describing yourself as ‘beleaguered’, and you have no hesitation in playing the victim by childishly appealing to 'authority', as you say you have done on this occasion. You are not ‘beleaguered’ andy-hughes. You are the author of your own misfortune - always.
Naomi - // andy-hughes, You disparagingly refer to the speaker in Khandro’s video as //a journalist talking rather tediously about doing his job// and yet he, with the support of reputable British newspaper, exposed the appalling abuse and exploitation of young girls by Muslim men, something that the authorities were aware of for years but ignored. Fifty men stood in line waiting to have sex with one little girl – and that too was ignored. Exposing that is to you ‘tedious’? Really? //

The message is not tedious, the delivery of it is.

//A few days ago you gave the impression that you are a victim here by describing yourself as ‘beleaguered’, and you have no hesitation in playing the victim by childishly appealing to 'authority', as you say you have done on this occasion. You are not ‘beleaguered’ andy-hughes. You are the author of your own misfortune - always. //

I have not 'childishly appealed to authority' as you so rudely put it - I have reported a breach of the Site Rules, which I am entitled to do.

Your opinion of me, as usual, matters less than nothing, but feel to express it if you wish to waste your time.
I wish some posters would stop calling others rude because don't like how they worded something.
I was going to say exactly what Whiskeryron said, stop reacting to the name racist, the catch-all, get-out-of-jail free card, it's used all too often as an excuse. For years, 25 at least, authorities have been intimidated by this and as a result these people control their communities, not the police. I was once called a racist by an Asian boy whose coursework was weeks late, I gave him until the next morning to have it done, a a racist attitude apparently. Luckily, the rest of the lads who had done their work more or less on time turned on him and told him to stop hiding behind racism. The majority of them were also Asian and fed up of him.
A car was vandalised in the car park and the Deputy Head was gunning for the offender, until he found out that it was a Somalian, he went very quiet, we had to be 'careful', apparently.

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