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Fox Hunt Killing.

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Khandro | 14:07 Wed 27th Dec 2017 | News
201 Answers

The Head of the Hunt said; "It's magnificent that so many well-wishers make such a huge effort to get here to show their support."

Do you think it is "magnificent"? Are you a "supporter"?


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islay; // I have ridden on several hunts and can tell you that the foxes hunted were wild and not bred in captivity!//

How on earth did you know that? I have seen a fox released from a barn some distance from the 'hunters' mounted, chatting and drinking, presumably without their knowledge by estate workers. The fox made for the nearest place of safety - a large pile of logs, the logs were then thrown aside until the fox made a break for it again into the open, and then the sport of 'ridding the countryside of vermin' could begin.
I believe several such scenarios had taken place nearby to make sure of a successful event.
//Training one group of animals to hunt and destroy another group of animals is disgusting. //

Why? I really don't understand this.

It doesn't pop my cork personally, but they're only animals.
Leaving aside the ''debates'' about fox hunting been about pest control, or about it been a class thing etc. Can someone please explain to me just how someone can get pleasure from seeing an animal been ripped apart? I dont get it.
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Also foxes are typically nocturnal animals, that is why you usually see them in you headlights, they prefer to hunt and wander around at night when the chances of them being seen or disturbed by humans. However, contrary to what some believe, some foxes may occasionally be active during the day as long as they feel secure and have somewhere nearby to freely escape to should they need to flee, this is why they are not otherwise readily available for morning hunts and certainly not within earshot of packs of hounds.

kromo; //but they're only animals.// What can I say?

Neither do I, nailit.
^^^ But it happens, and they do.
They are only animals. Is a fox somehow more worthwhile and sacred than a pigeon or a chicken?
I don't think it's the killing but the manner in which it is done. I said earlier that I had witnessed numerous 'killings' and it is not a pretty sight.
It seems to me that irrefutable proof has been produced that underhand methods have been used by various Hunts, in order for there to be something to hunted.

Which then gives the lie about hunting being all about pest control.

If my health allowed me, I would willingly give up my time to frustrate and hinder these idiots.
I have on here, several times, admitted to being arrested for disrupting a fox hunt in Herts, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
If these people want to ride around the countryside on horses, why can't they do that with wanting kill things ?

We go out in the countryside as often as we can and enjoy what our marvelous scenery has to offer. Even yesterday, when we had to be dug out of a snowdrift, was fun. But these country people seem to want to kill things all the time ....why ?
I have lived in and around farming communities and hunt packs all of my life and have known many hunters and many involved in the running of hunt packs, and this talk of breeding foxes to hunt is total nonsense, there's absolutely no need to to, lots of foxes around to hunt without the need to breed them.
I used to hunt fox but with a rifle and as a part of my pest control business, as a sport I could probably have shot 4 or 5 a night. if there isn't any need for the underhand methods, why do the Hunts sink to them ?

Webbo provided lots of examples yesterday. 237sj also provided evidence at 21:47 last night.....are these not happening then ?
//as a part of my pest control business, as a sport I could probably have shot 4 or 5 a night//
careful ratter, you'll make the red coated hunting fraternity look silly re their chosen method of killing foxes

Can anyone answer my post from last night @ 22:52?
Let me make myself perfectly clear. I have no problem with foxes being controlled if they are pests. I am fully aware of how much damage they can do. But I have huge problems if it transpires that foxes are being deliberately bred, in order that they may be hunted....ditto with foxes being transported around the country, in order that they may be used as sport. know more that I will ever know about pest control, but if your farm or your house was infested with mice, rats, of cockroaches, would you expect someone like yourself to be called in to deal with the problem, or would you expect several people on horse back to arrive ?

I am posting 237's link again. I posted this at the time, in 2016, and it quite clearly shows that subterfuge is going on ::::::
Nailit....( 22:52 ) I am not a physiologist but it seems to me that some people get a kick out of watching cruelty.

Dog fighting and badger baiting goes on in Britain willy-nilly. People who get a thrill out of things like that are sick as far as I am concerned......not sure if that answers your question !
Mikey, Ive worked on a farm and have had to put animals down (wringing the necks of ill/injured chickens, taking farm cats to kill nests of mice etc), Ive also had to put down small pets . But to gratuitously go out with the intent of gaining pleasure from seeing a living being been ripped apart??? Isnt this the definition of psychopathy?
a means of displaying power, control and superiority... GGGRRR..
Did you mean psychologist, Mikey?

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