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Boris is after the Tory leadership and all he has done in the last 2 years is aimed at that end. As I have said before, just 8 hours before the official start of the EU referendum he phoned Cameron and offered to change sides and support 'Remain' if he was given the Party Leadership as his reward. Cameron refused and the rest is history. But Boris is ,always has been...
13:12 Sat 16th Sep 2017
It's no use scouring the internet, boys, to connect Farage to the bus.
The only connection is in your heads.
Just admit you were wrong and apologise and we'll say no more about it. ;-)
Question Author one is suggesting that Mr Farage had anything to do with the spurious Bus claim, but he only said what he did ATTER the Referendum had finished, not before.

I know many people who voted to leave based upon what the bus advert said, and that is the point that the interviewer made.
The next Conservative leader, and probably the next PM has to be a committed Brexiter or the party will self distruct.
The timing of Boris' pronouncement, just days before the Conservative Party Conference, is no coincidence. The long knives are out for May, and she may not survive. If she does end up chopped into little pieces in George Osborne's freezer, then the Bumbling B is ready to take over (god help us).
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In his defence, at least Farage had the good grace to look embarrassed about the spurious claim.
I very much doubt many people voted purely on that. Plus given your propensity to only hear what you want to hear ....
Mikey, //PP....great minds think alike ! //

Haaaa! What a wag you are! :o)
As 8 billion net contributors, Britain will clearly make huge savings by leaving. Everyone keeps repeating that the 350m is wrong, but no one says what it might be. Someone; 8billion divided by 52 please?
I am sure you are deliberately not counting the money we get back from the EU on projects in the UK.

We may pay £8billion, but we get a large amount of that back. So their will not be an £8billion saving to the UK

as St Nige said - op cit - "oops we shouldnt have said that

'THEY made a mistake in doing that'

Is it me hearing things or ....?
Gromit; You are wrong. Last year the UK paid in 13.1 billion, received back 4.5billion and so the net contribution was 8.6billion

Can nobody work out my sum above? Where's jim?
It appears to be £153,846,153 per week, is that correct?
I wouldn't put too much faith in Full Fact figures. They're bigger liars/twisters than the BBC.
Spicerack; Disprove it then, such statements cost you nothing.
Spicerack, then disprove it. Alternatively
Why do remainers always claim the figyre is smaller because we'get some back'.

What we get back is spent on what the EU dictate we spend it on. That is not always tge best use of the money.

When we leave we will no longer paying the 12bn or whatdver the figure is and so all of it will be available to spend on what we want such as the NHS.
Khandro Get a grip.
Gulliver, I've got it: wherever I search the figures are borne out, in fact many institutions put the sum higher.
I extend the challenge to you to disprove them.
Boris is after the Tory leadership and all he has done in the last 2 years is aimed at that end. As I have said before, just 8 hours before the official start of the EU referendum he phoned Cameron and offered to change sides and support 'Remain' if he was given the Party Leadership as his reward. Cameron refused and the rest is history.
But Boris is ,always has been and always will be interested only in looking after No 1. His own self interest comes before all else.
The figure of £350M is clearly correct. But leavers like to argue that a temporary rebate should be subtracted, and the fact that there are grants presently covered by return of our EU contribution that would need to come out of it after Brexit means they should be subtracted too. Clear balderdash of course, but those wanting to pretend the figure is wrong have to stoop to whatever level they can to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.

"Could" is the correct term. No one can really claim to believe that the whole sum would go to one budget and expect to be believed.
// It's no use scouring the internet, boys, to connect Farage to the bus.
The only connection is in your heads. //
completely convinced by what you say
but by god doesnt he squirm on camera
"oh I wouldnt have said that etc etc"
when confronted by something he had absolutely nothing to do with!

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