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A person would not be human if they did not show sorrow and sympathy towards the victims, but nothing can be done for them it's too late it has happened.

But there are many things that can be done against the perpetrators of these terrorist acts, and as many suggestions as possible should be welcomed, who knows, perhaps it might give those in power some ideas?
// Drastic action on terrorism is needed, but I admit my utter failings at having any better ideas than those charged to sort it. //

Me too.
AOG, if those with ideas for any sort of a solution or way forward to one express them to Governments and other agencies across the World I applaud them and if they are workable I hope those ideas are adopted.

The sooner the better.
It would appear that some people admit to having no idea what to do about the terrorists. They do however know what we cannot do. As Dusty Springfield sang. "I just don't know what to do with myself."
There's one thing I think could be done immediately given facts which we should all be able to agree on.

These facts are:

Islamic terrorism is a world-wide phenomenon.
This terrorism finds justification in the teachings of Islam (whether for good or bad theological reasons is irrelevant to my point).
Some of the perpetrators are recent arrivals in Europe.
Most of the new arrivals are not genuine refugees.

If you allow that there is a positive factor X which represents the proportion of new immigrants who are jihadis, jihadi sympathisers, or ISIS plants, then there's an obvious action: stop all Muslim immigration immediately. This means stopping the illegals (i.e. enforce the law) firstly, and, secondly, changing the procedures for dealing with requests for asylum so that they are processed outside EU "borders" rather than inside

This modest and totally unoriginal proposal (it's based on the bath overflowing/turn off tap principle) should be uncontentious. Anybody disagree with it?
I am not surprised you are confused, Togo, if you don't know that not knowing what to do, but knowing what not to do is a viable position. Far better that position and taking advice from specialists than pretending you have all the answers.
I am loath to disagree with you VE, as I feel it will just start another argument, but most of these atrocities are perpetrated by people who are either resident of the country where the atrocity is committed, or have easy access to it.

I don't know the background of the criminal of the Barcelona outrage. But there are millions of Muslims in Europe already, so stopping any further from coming in would seem like a case shutting the stable door, etc.

Like most people on here, and those in Authority, I don't know of any magic bullet for this current situation.

/// I don't know of any magic bullet for this current situation. ///

Just ordinary bullets would go a long way to solve the current situation.
You and I have no reason at all to argue over my post, Mikey (in fact I'd prefer it that way). I accept your point about home-grown terrorism absolutely. My "modest" proposal is simply one small step aimed at not compounding the problem. Some of the million odd refugees Merkel allowed in during 2015 and 2016 were responsible for German deaths.
Well, we can't shoot millions of people, just in case one or two might be guilty. These people are mostly suicide bombers, with all those virgins waiting for them on the other side.
Togo...I am glad that we will not be having an argument, as it wouldn't help the people of Barcelona today. But my point still stands......we have more than enough terrorists within Europe already to keep this war going for many years.
Then what better than to conduct a purge, root them out and confine them securely out of harms way, on one of our many isolated Islands?
// But there are many things that can be done against the perpetrators of these terrorist acts,//

ummmm - they are dead for one
and in Spain for another thing

which rather limits the 'many things that can be done'

Oh - you mean act against people who maybe terrorists in the future but we don't know so lets round up some brown skinned people with funny accents - oh no not that jet black fella who filmed the shooting in Cambrils - his funny accent is known as Brummie or Wolverhampton.....
/// I don't know of any magic bullet for this current situation. /// Just ordinary bullets would go a long way to solve the current situation.

yeah just spray them ordinary bullets around in the street at any brown population - and scream Bataclan! Bataclan ! whilst you are doing it

are you sure I havent wandered into the Grand Stupidity thread ?
I notice not one, if I'm correct a reply from the Muslim Religon I wonder why, I did notice when Salman Rushdie said what he said about Allah the whole country came out, do they care? do they feck, the best result with them in the cars ( 5) they will not terrorise again will they, a good result beat that Allah.
v_e is right, the toothpaste is out of the tube and we can't put it back, but we can put the cap on it.
Not all these terrorists are home grown; Anis Amri who committed the Berlin Christmas market attack was an asylum seeker from Tunisia - he was seeking asylum because the Tunisian cops wanted him and had a 4 year prison sentence hanging over him. He was claiming benefits from 6 different German authorities with fraudulent I.D.s. None of these people have jobs.
Which state in the history of the world has paid people to murder them?
A bit late now, but didn't Enoch Powell in the late 60's warn of "Rivers of Blood" His suggestion.." give them a couple of bob and send them home. He was branded a racist, his Political career came to an end but the speech remained. If only notice had been taken of it.....throughout Europe.
But.......too late now.
Sqad...Powell never used the phrase "rivers of blood" in his speech of April 1968, to Conservative Political Centre in Birmingham. This has become a common urban myth ::
He was talking about black people, sqad ... black people have integrated well. (not sure if I should say imo) perhaps your experience with blacks has been different, sqad?

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