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Trump Is Getting Increasingly Desperet

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mikey4444 | 07:54 Mon 17th Oct 2016 | News
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US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling places'

He will blame everybody but himself for his current situation.....He is even disagreeing with his running-mate.



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As I and many others have said countless times, Clinton is a long way from the ideal choice but despite that she is far, far, far better than Trump . It is a case of the least bad wins. Against a 'decent' candidate Clinton would not stand a chance but against Trump she is a dead cert to win! The USA desperately needs to find a better way of electing a president. At the...
12:33 Mon 17th Oct 2016
I believe there any many more supporters of Trump than the media suggests,
the tirade against him, leave many keeping stumm. In Question Time last week, only one young man (with an amazing haircut) was prepared to shout out on his behalf, many in the audience agreed but kept quiet (apart from applauding).
It will be a secret ballot and no one knows how anyone votes.
//It won't be long before we know which side will fall on their faces or ba8ksides // But not on this site, I think just about all are agreed both are awful and not for one or the other.

As Naomi points out, dont think that those of us that look at both sides are pro one or the other.
Khandro, that is a very valid point. It has happened here. If you support the Tories or Brexit there was a distinct possibility of violence or a media backlash against you so people kept stum until the ballot box.

Possibly works both ways on this particular election so we shall have to wait and see.
youngmafbog, absolutely right. I'm glad I don't have to vote!!
Oh, the "shy Trump" effect? It could be real but there's little evidence for it. If anything, it's more of a stretch to be open about being a Clinton supporter (or a Clinton voter, which isn't necessarily the same thing). Still, the polls could be wrong and there remains a reasonable chance that Trump could edge it. At the moment, that chance is likely to be about the same as for a Clinton landslide.
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Khandro.....I don't normally watch Question Time, but what exactly was the young man with the amazing haircut agreeing with Trump about ?

Was it his racism, his bigoted attitude, his lack of politeness towards the mothers of dead servicewomen, or his boasting about his ability to grope women perhaps ?

I may not watch QT but I have never been seen any British forum where Trump hasn't been subject to extreme opprobrium.
I see you are willing to slate and accuse someone whilst at the same time openly admitting you have no idea of what he said.
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YMB....neither did Khandro provide any evidence or link....I can only go on what he posted.
I'd just quote Monica Lewinsky - " Im voting for Trump, the last Clinton left a bad taste in my mouth"

The US Election - Divine Comedy for two years, then we suffer!
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Is this the same Monica Lewinsky, that had a consensual relationship with Bill Clinton which lasted 6 months ? It takes two to tango.
It's funny Mikey, the whole last two years of this drivel and diatribe has been "funny", to watch massively rich human beings bicker and squabble like two small children to win the support of other massively rich human beings so that two even more massively rich people can squabble and bicker like two teenagers fighting over a $400,000 salary is laughable.

...and if you can't laugh at this pair of clowns it'll just make you cry. One is a mysoginistic, racist, homophobic billionaire the other is a lying, cheating, borderline traiterous millionaire fighting over the most powerful position on the planet, makes me want to cry BUT what these two cretins how is just how bereft this world is in terms of strong capable politicians.

With Corbyn, Cameron, the Milliblands, Clegg, Osbourne (I couldn't tell you the libdoom leader just now) Tony B Liar, Sturgeon etc etc we're doing pretty poorly as well, the school, is out on May, she needs a chance.

Politics the world over is the politics of mediocrity, no one is capable of standing up and saying look we're making a complete *** of the whole thing here's what we need to do, Mediocrity reigns because the Tories don't have to be that good to beat the Creepy Clown Corbyn. The SNP don't have anyone to fight against up here so they can be totally mediocre as well and thats just what will happen in the US after Obama stands down and we get the Msyoginistic Racist sociopath or the Lying, cheating sociopath in charge!

We're all doooomed I tell ya, Dooomed
I'm just looking forward to trumpageddon. The SGB fest following brexit will be as nothing to the ritual spitting of Tibetan peace muesli that mikey and co will be spouting for 4 years!
Jim, //Oh, the "shy Trump" effect? //

What does that mean?
I'm having trouble obtaining some of this 'Tibetan peace muesli '

Anyone point me in the right direction ?
Corbyn's website sells it, maybe even a kosher version - my bad!
It was a reference to Khandro's claim that, and ymb's support for, there may be more supporters of Trump than we know about. Rather like how the polls in this country tend[ed] to underestimate Conservative Party support in the "shy Tory" effect.

I don't think it's real, however -- or, at least, it's very unlikely to be enough to swing the election in his favour. People who support Donald Trump are usually not that shy about it anyway.

At the moment polling averages tend to give Clinton at least a six-point lead in the popular vote, which should be enough to secure a huge margin of victory in the electoral college. That could swing back towards Trump if people are hiding their support for him -- but a six-point swing in this case would mean something like six million people lying about supporting Clinton or not supporting Trump. Not impossible, for sure, but rather unlikely.

Political polls have, understandably, taken a hit lately, but they are rarely so bad as all that. Trump's problem right now is that his core support is probably unshakable -- "I could probably go out into the street and shoot someone and they'd still vote for me", Trump said early on in the Republican nomination campaign, and he's probably right -- but does he appeal enough to the floating voter? Not really. Trumpageddon almost certainly ain't coming, which is bad news for the muesli economy at least.
Jim, ah, right. Thanks. Personally, I wouldn't want to hazard a guess.
Well, certainly betting against Trump in the Republican nomination was a great way to lose money (although on the other hand he was also doing well in the polls). At the moment, the only thing you can say with any real certainty is that Trump is behind in the race, potentially by some distance, but he might surprise us all again and finish off in style.
Jim, //the only thing you can say with any real certainty is that Trump is behind in the race//

That's what the polls said about the Conservatives. I'll wait until the votes are counted.

/// She isn't racist. ///

Move to 5 minutes into this video.

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