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It's All Right For Some !

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tonyav | 10:41 Mon 04th Nov 2013 | News
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Can this be right considering what the energy companies are doing to Joe Public.


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it is that they are also the people regulating the energy industry and making the laws.

Of course Gromit, easy to do if what ever regulations you apply has no affect on you.

\\\\ the expenses scandal a little more pragmatism might be in order\\\ would, you would, but the human mind doesn't work that way, it is like re-offending time and time again after a custodial sentence.
Question Author would, you would, but the human mind doesn't work that way, it is like re-offending time and time again after a custodial sentence.

LOL, yes sqad this lot are certainly serial offenders.
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is there any lower job title than that of politician?
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Yes your right, Steve ( well it seems to in parliamentary circles anyway !)

lj, right now I can't think of any.
quite sqad, it's not big and it's certainly not clever
If you dont like it campaign to change the rules. By picking out a rich person to vent your fury on you appear to just be jealous and adopting the politics of envy, which rather then de-vaules the valid point you are making.

Gromit's idea of a cap is a good one. Is £1300 really the average bill, mine is in the order of £3500 combined - and I do not live in a mansion and the heat is still off at the minute.
It was Cameron and his cronies,who said the rise in energy bills was out of their control and could do nothing about it, no wonder they are not interested in Joe Public ,when it does not affect MPS.
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Nail on head there, hawksley.
i think you lot are being harsh on this mp living in a mansion if he becomes too ill to work with all the benefit cuts and bedroom tax he will probably end up having to pay the ss some money -)
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LOL ^^^^^^^^^

// The average annual dual-fuel bill - covering gas and electricity - is £1,315 per household. This figure, published by regulator Ofgem in mid-September, is based on the latest assumption of the amount of energy a typical household uses. //
"Labour MP John Mann, who did not claim for his energy bills, told the Sunday Mirror : "Perhaps the MPs who have submitted the claims should start wearing thicker jumpers."
They're so thick skinned that they can't have any need of 'thicker jumpers'.
I can't afford to heat all my house, so I don't. Get real MPs, you don't HAVE TO heat all the "estate", and why should I pay for it anyway you parasitic bast@r6.
// Is £1300 really the average bill, mine is in the order of £3500 //

Mine is just less than £700. When EON put their price up I will switch and save about £100. I work from home, so I am in all day.
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They're so thick skinned that they can't have any need of 'thicker jumpers'.

Elephant hide springs to mind, sandy.
It may be permissable but it is a disgrace when most of us are trying to heat our only home,not a second one.
they impose a bedroom tax on vulnerable people that can't afford it and claim heating allowance for their second homes ... you couldn't make it up
Problem is that MPs who live a distance from London can buy a second house in or near London and designate one of their houses as a "second home" and claim expenses on it.

So I guess people with large houses (estates !) can designate their large house as the second home and claim all the energy bill for that.

I hoped after the last MPs expenses scandal they may have tightened up but it seems not.

Maybe time to stop this "second home" business and stop MPs taking out huge mortgages to buy a second home that they claim for on their expenses.

I remember when the last scandal broke they published all MPs expenses and Cameron looked good because he had not claimed for lots of little things.

However he had taken out a MASSIVE mortgage (hundreds of thousands of pounds) and his MPs expenses were purely the repayments on that mortgage he claimed for nothing else (not just picking on Cameron I am sure many of them do it).

Animal Farm anyone?

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