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Big Brother

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casaespana | 17:01 Sat 28th Jan 2006 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
Great to see Michael Barrymore back on our screens.Apparently he has been in America these past few years wowing audiences with his zany brand of humour. What a comeback! Glad that Iraqi Politician was voted out. His English was very poor.Saw Drew on TV the other night. Such a sweet girl, just like her father. Can't wait to see Michael back on Play Your Cards Right. What do others think?


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what are you on about?
To start with Barrymore has been is New Zealand not America, Iraqi politician with a cracking scots accent??? Drew who? is this a private joke? Play your cards right was Brucie not Barrymore he did Strike it lucky, i think you best pop back to your own universe or do a reality check.
..duh! ..Drew Barrymore....Michael's daughter...tut I thought everyone knew that....
Nice one casaespana, theres always one that bites,or two.
I anticipate your inane postings with pleasure.
Question Author
Oops. Seem to have got some of my facts wrong. Was that Iraqi Politician really Scottish? It just shows how similar some accents can be. I'm sure BriWrite and Drisgirl will keep me on track in the future.
Drew Barrymore, Michael Barymore's daughter? Are you having a laugh, she's American.
Did anyone hear a sort of whooooooossshhhh sound just then?

Must have been the sound of casaespana's sense of humour going over some people's heads :-)
The sooner Barrymore goes back to Kiwi land the better.
Coming soon - Gary Glitter, R Kelly, Mathew Kelly, Pete Townsend and Jonathan King in "IM A CELEBRITY, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR LEAVING US HERE"
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What and your a lawyer now are you, play with feathers get your a**e tickled i say.

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