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sherrardk | 19:54 Thu 21st Feb 2013 | Jobs & Education
7 Answers
The sixth form college I went to has changed it's name slightly, the place I did my degree has become a university and has a completely different name and both schools I have taught at have become academies and changed their names (the secondary school I went to is also due to close completely next year). If I were to apply for a job, how would I refer to each of these institutions (and wouldn't it look a bit iffy that none of the original institutions appears to exist anymore)?


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I had something similar on my CV, sherrard. I put the current name and put the old name in brackets.
My college has changed name too. I would put the new name of the Institution with "(formally the old name)" beside it.

As for your secondary school, I would just use the name it went by until it closed.
I would put the original name and and then the new name in brackets.

They won't be contacting any of the places. They will only contact the people who you will put as your referees.
2 of the companies on my CV have gone bust and my last one totally moved from where they were, no evidence I was ever at any of them!

But yes, it's more the references and how you come across in the interview that will matter. If they are interested in employing you then they will still interview you and ask you face to face.
I agree with putting the new name and then saying in brackets ('formerly...)
I wouldn't even both putting the names of the institutions unless a form specifically asked for it. (If it did, I'd use the names as they were at the time).

I'm not even sure which university i went to! I did a 4 year course at Sheffield City College of Education but the last 3 years counted as attendance at Sheffield University for degree purposes. (Many of my final year lectures were actually at the university as well). So I've got a Sheffield University degree but my college became part of Sheffield Polytechnic, which is now Hallam University. So if Sheffield meets Hallam on 'University Challenge', I'm not sure which team I should be supporting!

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