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how to shrink clothes...

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spaced | 16:04 Fri 26th May 2006 | How it Works
4 Answers
I have a standard hooded jumper. Its a tad too big and I would like to shrink it slightly. The top also has a rubber motif/design on the front (small) and on the back (large) I have been told to stick in the tuble dryer. Will this work? If so, how do I stop the motif melting or rubbing off in the heat? Is there anopther way to shrink clothes slightly??


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shame its not made of pure new wool. my Mrs could make it small enough to fit a new born baby !

tumble dryer could do the trick, give it a go. you got nothing to loose.

i would be wearie with using the tumble dryer as clothes that ive acidently srunk in there usually srink upwards, but go wider. It that makes sense.
It depends what it�s made of. Natural materials tend to shrink more than man made. I think a hotter water wash would be a safer thing to try than the tumble drier.
My Mum always used to shrink my shirts and t-shirts. She'd always say that I must have put on weight!! lol "But Mum, if I put on weight how come my sleeves 3 inches shorter?" :)

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