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holes in electric toothbrush heads

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joko | 17:11 Fri 26th May 2006 | How it Works
7 Answers

is there a reason all the slots and holes in the toothbrush heads?

it gets on my nerves as it just fills with water and froth and then dribbles out when you next use it.

i am thinking of blocking it up but i am assuming it has been included for a reason - surely they wouldn't have put something that stupid in the design for no reason... so anyone know? it is to keep the motor cool or something?




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Although my mouth is obviously as clean as spring water every time i use my electric toothbrush i have in the back of my mind that the holes to which you refer are just breeding grounds for rancid water and germs!
I get a bit obssessed by this and have to give it a good rinse everytime i use it and i, like you',have pondered their purpose.
On closer inspection it seems they are there to allow fluid to escape out from inside where the whirry bits are inside the stem.
I'm presuming this is so rancid water and germs dont breed inside the stem - just in the holes!
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i see what you mean....but the water gets in there through the holes in the first place...surely they should have just made the heads fit onto the body better so it is water tight

i sometimes flush mine with mouthwash just to kill germs

We put our electric toothbrush heads in the dishwasher every now and then.
HEY, IF YOU are feeling like you may suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, then you could try some steralising fluid, e.g milton, and store the brush in that;-).

Surely if you give the tooth brush a shake the water will come out. In any case it should dry out before you use it again.... unless you obsess about teeth cleaning.

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no it doesn't gammaray, because of the position of the holes. it collects and comes out next time.

and if wondering about the point of these holes, and giving my toothbrush a dip in mouthwash now and again is an OCD, then yes i have OCD

rinse it under the tap whist still running, then take it off the motor and rinse again, give it a shake and leave untill next time. easy init?

good idea about the mouthwash though, will a beer wash be as effective 'cos i don't like mouth washes.

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