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Stupid Maths Question (Again)

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barry1010 | 09:59 Tue 04th Aug 2020 | How it Works
10 Answers
I know it is very easy, especially with calculators but I am blind to maths, so please help with this simple calculation.

What per centage of 3604 is 923?

Thanks to you all, even though you are laughing


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What fraction of 3604 is 923 : ans - 923/3604
What % is that: ans - 923/3604 x 100 = 25.61.... %
923 divided by 3604 multiplied by 100%
Just less than 26
923 divided by 3604 equals 0.256104. Multiply that by 100 to convert it to a percentage and you get 25.6104%. That's roughly a quarter. As a quick check, if you divide 3604 by 4 you get 901, so in the same ball park.
Question Author
Thank you all, you've been a great help
to help you visualise, you are attempting to see how much of 3604 goes into 923 so it's 923/3604 which is 0.256, then multiply that by 100 to get the percentage, 25.6.
// As a quick check, if you divide 3604 by 4 you get 901, so in the same ball park.//

with calculators ( if you are helping children) then you should always check roughly - this used to be taught in skools and here it is around 1000 / 4000 - a quarter which everyone kno is 25%
surely that should be "every fule know" PP?
sorry, I meant of course "every fule kno"

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