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Should I Have Posted This In The Jokes Section?

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youngmafbog | 13:59 Thu 29th Dec 2016 | News
29 Answers
// 'We've got to find a role for him – he has so much to offer. We have got to get him batting for Britain again.' //

Yeah, we saw what he had to offer in the run up to the referendum. We also saw what he did when the going got tough - ran away. Do we want a toff coward in charge of Nato?


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NO !
makes sense.
//'We've got to find a role for him – he has so much to offer.. //

if that had been writ about Barack Obama, there would have been a good point well made. but it wasn't. yes, consign it to the jokes category.
Cameron quit after losing. Rather more courage than Boris and Nigel, who quit after winning rather than face the consequences of their victory.
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Keep chomping them sour grapes jno.
All the Tory voters and supporters on AB voted for Cameron in 2010 and again in 2015, so I really can't understand why you have all taken against him now. He was a significant factor in leading the Tories back into power, after years in opposition. All the previous Tory Leaders proved that they were not up to the job, but Cameron proved that he was.

He led the STAY campaign, because that was the policy of the Tory Party at the time, so what was he supposed to do ? In fact, he was a fan of the EU in exactly the same way as most of his front bench was, including the much beleaguered Mrs May.

He was a believer in the EU and still is, so what would you all have rather he had done....lied and led the BREXIT campaign. Lied like Boris perhaps ?
Coooeee. I haven't taken against him.
Well done to you then Zacs, and neither have I, and I didn't vote for him.
I'd much rather have Camoron in that role the some federalist who would happily take NATO down the road of a European Army. At least Cameron understands the folly of that.
The problem with Cameron's supporters is that they would like to see him as a world-class statesman with charisma and gravitas - someone who other leaders will listen to, and take notice of.

The reality is of course, is that his is not, and he hasn't and they won't - as proven by his recent mauling in Europe and vote humiliation.

The only thing Mr Cameron has 'to offer' is a gigantic lesson in hubris.
gawd elp us! Give it to Lord Farage.
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Mickey, people voted for him in 2010 to keep labour out and give him a chance as he was an unknown. However it soon showed what a mistake that was although to be fair he had a great heavy chain round him called Clegg.

In 2015 voters came out to get him in as he was the only one who could give the UK a chance at an EU referendum.

//All the previous Tory Leaders proved that they were not up to the job//

Deliberate short memory? TGL was probably the best PM ever.
YMB....perhaps I didn't make myself clear....I was referring to Hague, Howard and IDS. It was only when Cameron came along, that the Tories were able to see light at the end of the tunnel. And TGL wasn't popular with everybody.

But my central point still remains, and that is Cameron was voted for enthusiastically on two, quite separate occasions.
Pardon my ignorance,but who is TGL.?
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Thursday, Dec 29th 2016 3PM 4°C 6PM 2°C 5-Day Forecast
Cameron is lined up to be the UK's candidate as head of Nato after Britain pledged to play a greater role following the Brexit vote

Read more: They have got to be kidding surely !!!!
It has been very noticable how Theresa May has quickly and efficiently dismantled any trace of Cameron and Osborne from her Government. Many policies ditched or reversed. His targets have been revised or completely scrapped.
I doubt she would tolerate DC in such an important role, and will do all in her power to prevent it. That may sound vindictive, but Cameron is a man of very limited ability, and with an extremely poor record on his CV.
well i think that it depends who the leader is. i dont agree with everything Nigel stood for but he is the best leader they will get and he was right not to stand down. i was convinced by Tony Blair and believed he meant what he said. that is what counts passion. never took notice of Cameron
// In recent weeks, Mr Cameron has watched as Mrs May has undone much of what he achieved while in charge of the Government.
Within days of taking office, Theresa May had already frozen out David Cameron’s inner circle.
His closest ministerial allies – most notably George Osborne – had been sacked in a brutal Cabinet reshuffle.
Many of his most trusted Downing Street aides were also fired and told that their services were no longer required in Mrs May’s new Government.
Although friends maintain that Mr Cameron has been sanguine about Mrs May’s decision to distance herself from his administration, they concede that he has been left “disappointed” by what many see as her evisceration of his legacy. //

If it is within May's power to give this high profile job to anyone, I reckon Cameron will not be on the list.
Unsureme - I have no idea either !
TGL is another of Toras obscure acronyns.

The Great Leader = Margaret Thatcher.

Mikey is using TGL in a post ironical way.

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