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electric shower

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mousey9t | 21:42 Thu 27th Jul 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
ive had my shower for 4years, over the past week ive been getting small electric shocks off the shower head and hose! had someone look at it yesterday who changed a valve that he said was the causing this,but went to have shower last night and it started doing it again! phoned the bloke told him got the same problem still,his answer was "oh well you need new shower then" he charged me �60 (�8 was for the part he put in yesterday) and wants me to pay �200 for new shower! am i being ripped off? does any of you lovely ABers know what could be the causing these electric shocks?


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I take it this is an instant electric shower? If it is, is it protected by an RCD (Residual Current Device) at the Consumer Unit?
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yes it is an instant shower dont know what an RCD is but it was installed by a qualified engineer ,the shower is made by a company called New Team
If you paid �60 and the fault was not rectified, then you have indeed been ripped off. In any case, if you are getting shocks from the shower head, you should turn the shower off and stop using it. I would suggest getting someone else to repair/replace the shower and get three different quotes from 3 different Plumbers. You could get the shower tested by an electrician, but this would of course cost money, and if the problem is not a wiring fault, you will probably still need to replace the shower. I would guess that the shower has developed a fault, as it seems to have only started to occur recently, but that is only a guess.. One thing to note, there has been a change of regulations and showers now need to be wired with heavier duty cable than before. This may mean it will need to be re wired.
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thanks for your help Top_gooner. By the way GREAT name!

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