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Courgette Plants

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naz_nomad | 00:27 Fri 28th Jul 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Never grown them before ... will the bees, etc. pollenate the courgette flowers or will I have to use ''artificial insemination'''?

How do I tell a male flower from a female?

thanks .. Naz


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We call 'em zucchini here in the U.S., and are some of the most prolific plants around. No need to 'artificially inseminate' them... The male flowers tend to stand up and away from the vine and have a 'stamen' in the middle with noticeable pollen that you can see and feel, whereas the female flower, almost immediately, has a baby fruit between the flower and the vine. The flower also tends to be along and closer to the vine. In the center is a the "stigma", which must receive the pollen in order for the fruit to develop.
Here in small town, western U.S., August is the only month that one has to lock their car. If you don't, the neighbors fill them up with surplus zucchini (courgettes).
Just put them in the ground and they will grow. Artificially inseminate them, sounds more like an excuse for you to pull your pud in the garden!!! thats gross!! all over your courgette!!!!
plant them and forget them. But once the fruit starts watch out. They need picking every day otherwise they turn into marrows when your'e not looking. And they hide under their prickly leaves and still you get enormous great things.#
Good idea Clanad about putting them in op's cars! I might try that.
Well, you've got no chance of pollination by bees if you live anywhere near atolhurst!!! (See Underground Bees question three above this one.)

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Courgette Plants

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