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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
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Low hair frizz today ,high tomorrow .
Wincey Willis says stay in tomorrow :)
I've just washed my hair, I should have kept my wave clips in. :)
Yay have just sold my UK Sony xperia unlocked mobile phone. Tomorrow off to shop to see if phablet is still on offer. Damn fiesta today and again 8th nothing open!
I'm sure if you press it between two iPads that will take the frizz out again, Shaney
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Lol Jno I can just see myself doing that .Mind you I used to iron my hair many years ago when it was long ,to straighten it .
It's been lovely here again ,not one drop of precipitation but it looks as if it's all downhill tomorrow .Mr S and I had planned to go to town for lunch .Our fav lunch pub has reopened so thought we would give it a look but I'm not poddling about in the rain .
Afternoon all. Back home and sorted. Washing went on line early and I went off to Tai chi and lunch. Sat in the pub having a good time and l 'lady what lunches' said it's raining Jude! So that was another job for when I got home. Dripping wet it was! Not complaining about it raining on my garden just my washing!

Neti - what a performance for you! How well you kept your patience. If it had been a friend of Steady's I would have told him to clean up after them.
He told me once I hadn't ironed a shirt right for him, after ironing 100s of them, so I haven't ironed one for him since that day to this! Never! What an awful Mum :-)
Even when he was living with his wife they had the ironing board up in one of the spare bedrooms and ironed whenever.
Had a good weekend away. Celebrated Friend's birthday with his kids, granddaughter, sister and footballing friend at a football match. We were in a suite at the ground and had a nice meal before it started. Pleased we were there as it rained a lot of the 90 mins but it was a good day.
Haven't read the last page yet so if I've missed something I'll see ya later!
Whooo there goes jude!

Yes shaney we used to iron our hair too, dad made us use brown paper to protect the hair, why did I bother as I have very straight hair anyway!!

Did some ironing in the peace and quiet - all washing ironed and put away, lovely feeling.

Mr N made some pizza bread from a baguette (do you call them that, we call them barras), so no need to cook tonight. I topped up with cornflakes, liquid cream and milk, yum. Mr N ate melon and ham.

Felt quite discombobulated when in the village this am, had quick coffee with gbf but then came home early.
oh, don't you go losing your combobulation, neti, there's quite enough of us doing that already.
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Still very stuffy here .A bit of rain may freshen the air. I watched that new programme In the Club .Quite good .
Goodnight all.
looks as if a monsoon is on the way; it is encircling London and has reached the M25. Rain will start in 59 minutes. Goodoh, we didn't water the lawn today, just went to Watford and got some more Hotter shoes.

Have been admiring photos of Lucy's hen do at the Moulin Rouge in Paris. It all looks quaite respectable, possibly because her mum was among the hens. jno jnr is having none of this, he is filled with horror at the idea of stag dos, as his father was before him. He is starting his new job on Thursday so that will be plenty to keep him occupied.
Good morning fair friends. I was up and out early cos I went to order my phablet. It arrives on Tues. Mr N also left early as hija and disaster are due, but I think she leaves today. Am wearing a dress !!! So sticky and hot here.
Did any of you watch "The Club" last night. I enjoyed it.
Morning bob is discomfrizulated, it's like a sauna out there. More rain in 77 it looks like the bloomers will have to be draped in the bathroom.
I actually managed a good eight hrs sleep last night, very strange dream though, and I still hurt like I've been through the mangle. Oh well, at least I'm awake enough to complain about it.

Yes I watched The Club too shaney (and neti), well, I missed the start. Actually I found it a bit irritating, I don't like Jill Halfpenny or Will Mellor so I probably won't bother again.

Good luck jno jnr with the new job. The idea of hen parties leaves me cold, they always have done, even in my disco diva days...and don't get me started on novelty weddings and choreographed first dances.... :o/

I'd like a minutecast for parcel I going to be loitering with my legs crossed all day? It's always the way, you just nip to the loo....
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Morning all
It's pouring down .All very Accu.Freddy the Frog looks very miserable and
I 've got the aches today too , my neck and shoulders ache terribly ,more than they normally do .
I hope things go well for him in the new job Jno.
I've had a nice surprise this morning .I was a winner in the Polymath crossword in the FT and have received a lovely book .Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable .
Agree Robi, with hen parties, dances, all of the above. I cannot stand Jill Halfpenny either.

My eye is running like mad today and also one nostril.

No sign of hija or disaster yest.
Well done shaney on winning.
Well done shaney, buy a new bag to carry your book in :)

Silly weather, ran out to rescue the washing and it stopped again.
Frizcast - off the scale.
well done, Shaney. Do tell us some fables when it arrives.

neti, my screen says Hija arrives in 7 minutes.
30mins actually jno, with disaster, and then hija is going to Valencia tomorrow and disaster is going to Barca today!
have put my Phillipe Charriol watch on FB to sale and they are fighting over it! Hate all this. Having to keep them on a first come list!
Hija rushed in and rushed out, her disasterous friend also rushed in and rushed out!

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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