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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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I wondered why there were comments about wood and large needles, I see why now!!! doh!!
I didn't mean to post that without continuing..............

Shaney, yes, it knits in stripes and says it's an easy knit!! It also says cast on thumb style and I have been trying to do this but failing, so its getting cast on with two needles.

Anyway, have decided not going to doctors any more, ever again now that they have been instructed to submit over 65 year olds to dementia testing if they visit the doctors or medical practice, etc. This country is getting more Bog brother like every day!!! I will now conform. I don't want to know if I am demented!! (Actually I already know I am).
doctors can only OFFER testing. I was really peeved when a GP, at the surgery I have now left, did a liver function test when they took blood to se if I has Lyme disease. She then started talking (lecturing) me about alcohol intake at a point when I was dealing with DH's illness any way that I could. I gave her an earful and she was suitably apologetic.
Good day today. Gutters mostly sorted and the bloke who did them is quite find. Polite, doesn't charge a fortune and cleans up after himself. he's coming back to sort the front gutter as the tiles have slipped over the gutter and its a two man job. Have booked my sight test and tidied up considerably.
We had steak for dinner to celebrate a normal day and I have a glass of real champagne with it.
got one phone call back today, so that's progress, still waiting for one more.

Wow, this is living!
Evening Biddyfriends. I thought that film was rilliant shaney. I've seen it twice. One at the cinema and again on video, Its funny and moving and Maggoe smith is fantastic.
I've been to my usual wrist class they have decided not to do something they call Mobs. (Pronounced mobes) It is Physio they do to help movement of course but they said my bones are moving slightly differently than they should be. I really don't know what to expect so they have arranged for me to have another review with a Physiotherapist a week on Monday so they can decide what to do. So I'm sorry but I'm a bit concerned at the mo.
I hope you manage to do that knitting Lottie. It looks good. I haven't knitted anything for ages. I suppose it would be a good exercise for me to have a go at.
Football on the telly tonight for me so I hope you all have a good night whatever your watching. I usually listen to Radio between 7 and 8 every evening as there is all sorts of different music every night. Jazz, folk, country, blues and Friday night is music night. Suits me.
Anyway oight oight all Keep warm - thinking about you all - my lovely friends.
oh, my bones also move differently from the way they should, Jude. Every time they should be up and exercising they're actually going for a little lie down.
I wouldn't be worried Jude, at our age most people's bones don't move the way they should. Mobilisation is quite a robust process and they don't want to damage you.
We are in bed. It is very quiet. Two of us are snoring and I will be soon. Oight oight
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Oh what a lovely film that was .I really enjoyed it .The creme de la creme of British actors and actresses . Maggie Smith was brilliant and Dev Patel was so funny . Bill Nighy is an old smoothie and rather fanciable .
Don't get yourself worried Jude .I'm sure they'll sort you out .Perhaps if you try a little wrist support like athletes wear . That may help .I wear one whilst knitting otherwise I get an ache in the wrist after a while .
Lol Woofy I've had the liver lecture too .When Mr S was ill I'm afraid I became a bit too dependent on a large drink at times .But like you I don't need to be lectured about it .

For Lofty --Thumb cast on .It gives a slightly looser edge .

Oight Oight chums ..Sleep toight .

I don't know about bones - the whole me doesn't move as it should and as for knitting - I have thrown it down in a temper!!!!! And I was only on row 4.

Oight, oight. Early night is called for. I am going out for lunch with a friend tomorrow to the Creaky Cafe. That's if I get to wake up in time.......
I don't know about bones - the whole me doesn't move as it should and as for knitting - I have thrown it down in a temper!!!!! And I was only on row 4.

Oight, oight. Early night is called for. I am going out for lunch with a friend tomorrow to the Creaky Cafe. That's if I get to wake up in time.......
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Stop repeating yourself Lofty :)))
I told you I had already lost the plot. I just repeat everything twice!!

Thanks Shaney. I have tried doing it for hours but I get really mixed up with the tail and the ball of wall and ended up in a real muddle. I am so useless these days. I could howl!!!
just keep at it, Lottie, what could go wrong?
Ha, ha jno. That really did make me LOL!!

Good morning all. I got up early and sorted the knitting. There was nothing wrong with it, it was my eyes that there was something wrong with last night.

I have the beginnings of a cold, but am trying to ignore it, hoping it might go away. Its a beautiful morning, but will apparently deteriorate very soon.

See you all later. x
Morning all, my you are a happy bunch, does me good!

Am off to be waxed in places in case I am in a plane crash or car accident, at least I will be "decent". not that I am a hairy person at the best of times.

Dementia? the trouble over here is they ask about politicians and I haven't a clue except for the Spanish prime minister! They are all a bunch of swindlers anyway, bribery and corruption are well and living in Spain!!!

Cloudy and grey and I am loving it, Zumba is starting up again at a vastly inflated price but I enjoy it so much so will have to fork out when I return from Old Blightly!

Right am offski, laters
ha ha just been thinking, most people get insured, I get waxed, says it all really doesn't it??
you'll make a smooth corpse, neti, and that's so important to those at our time of life.
I haven't got any hair that needs waxing. Never did have a lot, nowadays it's all gone (except for the beard!!)
Ouch, never ever again!! I would rather give birth a 100 x than go through that again! I shrieked, I screamed, I swore, she went to places that no man has ever been!!

But I will be a very smooth corpse, even though the rest of the bod is wrinkly!
Poor hija has just called to say the hostel is full of bedbugs, she is itching all over, they have moved her to another room and also one of her friends, but they are leaving at the end of the week! She is not having a good time! but she loves London and loves walking through to the night bus the thought of which frits me summat orful!!
I am now veru gingerly removing my lingerie and putting on sensible cotton!!

No lottie I was never hairy, and never needed much doing, its just that living here one is more undressed than normal.

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