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What is your favourite retro sweet?

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AB Editor | 09:47 Thu 12th Aug 2021 | Food & Drink
77 Answers

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  • I don't like retro sweets / I don't have a favourite - 45 votes
  • 25%
  • Other (please tell us!) - 35 votes
  • 20%
  • Blackjacks - 17 votes
  • 10%
  • Flying saucers - 14 votes
  • 8%
  • Fruit salad - 13 votes
  • 7%
  • Pink shrimp - 13 votes
  • 7%
  • Rhubarb and custard - 11 votes
  • 6%
  • Cola bottles - 10 votes
  • 6%
  • Pineapple cubes - 6 votes
  • 3%
  • Jazzies / white or brown gems - 5 votes
  • 3%
  • Sherbert pips - 5 votes
  • 3%
  • Milk teeth - 5 votes
  • 3%

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Oh,and another one would be the original Sports Mixture.I bought a bag recently and yeughh,like eating plastic.Tasteless rubbish compared to what they used to taste like.Especially the yellow ones.
21.11 Thought you lot only ate Fried mars bars.
Aniseed Balls, and Kings Oddfellows
My mother had a strange word for all these types of sweet, obviously NE dialect. The word was 'ket'.
"Don't go eating ket or you won't eat your dinner".
I’ve only ever heard people from Birmingham say ‘Kayl-eye’ (sorry, I don’t know it is spelt) for sherbet.
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CloverjoI’ve only ever heard people from Birmingham say ‘Kayl-eye’

And the Black Country, jo. Not sherbert but coloured sour sugar crystals.

"Ket: Rubbish, offal or waste, see also Ket(s) below. From a Viking word for waste meat.
Ket(s): Kids’ sweets especially in Durham probably derived from the above because they were considered bad for you."
Sherbert in my neck of the woods is like a very fine White powder.
Thanks, tonyav. I kind of knew what they meant by kay-lie, but I still don’t know how how it’s spelt. How is it spelt?
I think it is spelt Kaylie, jo.
In the NE you may occasionally hear, 'Let's go for a few sherbets', meaning a few beers.
I like drumstick the lolly and i also like dib dab or sometimes its called double dib
ooo and fizz wiz lol the popping candy its a classic
Parma Violets.
Mint cracknel!
ynna, the sports gums I used to buy were sold loose, four for a penny. I loved them and the lady made a cone from a square of greaseproof paper and twisted the top. I agree that today's version is nothing like them.

Does anyone remember the huge chocolate biscuit that was sold unwrapped? I think they were called Dundee and had a sprinkle of sugar over the chocolate. They were displayed with the sweets.
On I do remember, so sweet & yummy barry!
Yay! So glad you remember them, eleanor, I thought I had made them up.

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