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Frozen bacon

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sherrardk | 13:26 Thu 06th Sep 2012 | Food & Drink
15 Answers
Will bacon that has been in the freezer since February be ok to eat? Thanks


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I would still eat it.

Mind and defrost and cook it first though... ;-)
Is it in the original sealed packaging?
You should defrost it at room temperature or in the fridge rather than in the microwave
Depends what you mean by OK. It will be perfectly SAFE, but won't be at it's best - flavour and texture will suffer because of high salt and fat content.
Providing its been frozen all the time it will be fine
Earlier this week I ate the frozen 'leftovers' from last December's Christmas lunch. (i.e. the 8 frozen 'pigs in blankets' which remained from the packet of 12 which I'd bought, together with defrosted 'fresh' stuffing and the mini-Yorkshire puddings which I'd frozen, accompanied by the frozen potato wedges I'd bought for Christmas lunch, all covered in gravy made from granules with a 'best before' date of May 2011).

I'm sill here!!!

(I'd have no worries about using frozen bacon from February of LAST year but, as Gingejbee suggests, the quality may have deteriorated over time).

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It's been eaten, everyone seems fine - I am rubbish with the freezer, it's like some sort of culinary black hole, stuff goes in it but rarely comes back out.
I'm like that sherrardk, why do we do it? The times I have stood and put 2 slices of bread at a time into individual bags, maybe 2 or 3 whole loaves at a time if they are on offer, only to throw the lot away 1 or 2 years later - mad!!
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Good grief Pips, the freezer bags probably cost more than you are saving. There's a lot of us so I just freeze whole loaves if I accidentally over-buy stuff. I am a list person, if non-list stuff goes in the freezer it doesn't stand much chance of coming back out.
I've only got a 'table top' freezer (which actually sits on the floor), so I've got very limited storage space. That forces me to try to keep on top of what I've got in it, but (as my previous post shows) it can still take me many months before I get around to using up what's in there!
I'd eat it, too.
haha you're probably right there. I only do this because I don't have a lot of grip in my hands so can't separate the frozen slices in a whole loaf.
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I need to do a freezer cull, it's on my list! Now that the things are nearly full time in school (sob) I am going to properly clean/sort out each room. I can get loads of super cheap chicken which could be in my freezer(s) which would make more economical sense than the crap (not literally) that's in them at them moment.
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Sorry pip, no offence intended.
None taken :)

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