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I Had The Unfortunate Job Of Escorting A Female Client To A Spiritualist Meeting Today!!

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RATTER15 | 22:34 Sat 15th Dec 2012 | Business & Finance
42 Answers

What an absolute load of TOSH, I was getting quite wound up at this meeting because the woman who was supposedly receiving these messages was useless and every message she gave out to an individual would probably have fitted every body in the room, a dreadful scam!!

We had to pay £3.00 to go in, I wanted to ask for my money back on the way out!!

I really felt that the lady I was supporting (learning Disability) was duped into believing this nonsense, her mother died last week. She had the nerve to tell my client that she had "made contact with an elderly lady with grey hair, it used to be a lot darker" My client broke down saying "thats my mum"

I really wanted to stand up and protest!! I told my boss " don not send me there again as next time I wont be able to keep my mouth shut!!

And they stand there and have the audacity to preach about morals!!!!!!!


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I'd refuse to "escort clients" to anything I thought was total BS.
I'm surprised the bosses would think it was ok for a recently bereaved lady with LD to attend such advent, shame on them.
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Chuck, I cant really do that, it is the clients right to go there if she wishes and I was asked to support her, I couldn't really refuse without first attending to base a valid argument on.
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No not shame on them, we do everything possible to enable them to make their own decisions, she has been there many times before, we could not really refuse her without a legal procedure.
All absolute BS, of course, but some people get comfort from it.

Was your client pleased with the results?

I can't judge the comfort it gives to some..........if they wish to believe it's up to them. It makes me sad, though, that people make money from this hokum.
I'm not saying that this lady shouldn't enjoy her life and have outings, etc - but doesn't this fall under some sort of duty of care?
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sherrardk I know what you are saying but "duty of care" has also got to be balanced with deprivation of liberties and the mental capacity act, it all gets very complicated.
spiritualists preach about morals? Do they?
Ok, just wondered. If the lady got something positive out of it then I suppose it's a good thing. Sad to be bereaved at any time of year but Christmas just seems worse somehow. Hope the lady is coping ok.
Just wanted to congratulate you Ratter. Freedom of choice and decision is important for any of us but particularly so for people whose disabilities limit their ability to be independent.
Yes there are many times when the tongue needs to be bitten firmly. The only time I ever had a stand up argument with a very good community nursing friend of mine because she said of a particular lady who had diabetes, that it would be easy to manage her diabetes in the community because we could tell the carers what food to buy her and what not to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not your place, Ratter, as you know.
Hard to see people being ripped off, but each to their own.
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jno, "spiritualists preach about morals? Do they?"

I didnt make it clear, this was a "spiritualist church" meeting so yes they do preach morals.

Woofgang, this is often the case where carers think they can dictate what a person should eat as it is "better for them" people with disabilities can usually make their own informed decisions, they may be a decision that is not good for them and could be potentially dangerous, but they have the right "as we do" to make unwise decisions.
I share your annoyance ratter. But look at it another way. Your client got her money's worth - £3.00.

The problem would be if the medium persuaded your client she had more detailed messages. What do you do if you believe your client is being taken advantage of?
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Plowter, there are ways we can protect our clients if required, it depends on the seriousness of the situation and whether a mental capacity act assessment would be required, in this instance she would probably still be permitted to attend as long as she is able to comprehend the situation fully and she is able to do that.
There is nothing wrong with the recently bereaved visiting a medium. Just because some of you don't believe in it, it doesn't mean you have to be right. Others have as much right to a belief in the spiritual as you have not to, and it would be wrong to cause a fuss because the rest of the world doesn't all hold the same opinion: and wrong to claim someone should not be allowed to follow their own personal religious beliefs because you don't like them. This insinuation that someone who goes to such a meeting must be mentally damaged, and in need of protection, is what is shameful.
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OG I agree that they should be allowed to go to these places and I certainly would never stop them without very good cause, I do whoever think they are just run by fools and liars or people deluded by a so called God! Like I said earlier, our clients have the right to make unswise decisions and choices and it is my job to support these people to do that, It does make me angry knowing it is such a farce and I had to sit through the service listening to all this tripe and say nothing.
What sort of church charges people money for going in?
If these 'people' were real, surely they wouldn't take money from anyone?
Thank you for the link Ratter, one thing which really annoys me is churches offer services but always ask for money, whether it be in the collection plate or a percentage of a wage, or by any other means.

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