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sleepy person

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bruce-lucie | 16:57 Mon 21st Feb 2005 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
hmmm... I am probably going to go to a doctor about this, few too many ppl worried, but just thought i'd ask here cos u ppl seem to have some really good suggestions sumtimes! But any ideas on why i'm so often tired, like i go all drowsy n i just have to sit down all the time, i'm always really cold, I cant touch alcohol anymore cos it just makes me feel sick (although i've never had a problem before), n i get headaches fairly often. Yet i sleep long enough and wear plenty of clothes... This has been going on for months, and affecting my life in a fairly big way.  Any suggestions? please...?


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SAD? As in seasonal affected disorder? - If it's been going on for months it's would be about right. I struggle a lot, and i work in an office where there is a lot of natural light, some times i feel so sleepy i feel like nipping to the loo to have a snooze! I'd go to the docs cos i'm not sure about the alcohol think but check out and have a look over the symptoms and see if that sounds like it. Also when you see the doc ask about a blood test for glandular fever as that can make you really tired and headachy - how old are you? As it's more likely to affect students and those under 25. Hope you feel better.
You could have a vitamin definciency or a thyroid problem

I was feeling sleepy all the time & had zero energy... went to the doc & he did a blood test for thyroid, diabetes & something else... give this a go! x

I am in the same situation as fairy! as i was tired all of the time and feeling really weak.  I am going to have a blood test to see if I've a Thyriod problem.

You should go to the doctors.

I thought from reading your question that your symptoms suggest a thyroid problem - and the answers thus far comfirm my idea. Have a chat with your GP, and get some appropriate advice, and tests if needed.

Dehydration can cause headaches, lethargy and drowsiness.  Alcohol dehydrates you further so will add to the problem if you are dehydrated. Do your drink the recommended 2litres of water per day? (I don't and I always have headaches and tend to sleep through lectures.)

Could also be a thyroid problem, best go see your doctor and s/he will be able to sort you out!

Let us know how you get on!

Did you have a virus or some event that left you feeling this way? You really should pop to your GP asap to have the necessary blood tests done.  If they come back clear, which hopefully they will, but you still feel the same tiredness etc don't give up.  I've had a similar thing going on for a very long time & finally last year I found by accident someone who really understood the condition & I'm now making progress with a diagnosis.

All the best.

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Thanx everyone, that is a great help, I will definitely go to the doctors!! I'm 17, and so i suppose that doesn't help much! but thankyou, will let u know wat the doc thinks! :p x x
Our eldest daughter had similar symptoms. She had a series of blood tests, which came back showing she has an underactive thyroid. She is now on medication, but it is taking quite a time for her to get back to 'normal'. Good luck.
Could be post viral syndrome or ME.  I have known it to affect young people.  Do see your doctor as soon as possible.
I'd been feeling extremely tired & lethargic of late. I then went to give blood, but was refused as the pre-test showed I am quite anaemic. So it could be a manner of things causing your problem bruce.
For all medical questions, we strongly advise you to seek professional advice from your doctor or a healthcare professional.  Please do not rely on, or wait for, advice from Answerbank users.

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