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looking back

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legend758duo | 20:43 Tue 28th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
looking back.

do you regret things in your life ?

do you think you could have done things differently ?

or do you think it was just down to fate ??


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Everything that I wish I had done differently I now realise that my instinct was telling me so at the time! So, now I will listen to my inner voice!!
1) Not really. Anything bad I've learnt from and am stronger for.

2) Oh yes. Hindsight is always 20/20.

3) No. We make our own decisions which take us on different paths. You just have to learn and grow from the bad ones.... Or drink a lot of red wine and listen to miserable music for a bit. That helps too.
Hmmm, i have done loads of things i regret.
I should have done things differently.
But i think its down to fate mostly.
Who knows what my destiny is...
I am happy with the person I have become, if I didnt do the things I done and learned from those things, I may not be the same person I am now, so no I don't regret the anything.

There was one time when I thought I should leave a guy standing - every bone in my body was shouting out to turn on my heel and get out - but I didn't. I could have saved 4 years of unhappiness and being walked over, and it was so early on in our relationship I couldn't decide one way or the other and stayed. What a to$$er he was!! And I was only 19 and knew no better.

That was my "wish I hadn't." Now for the "wish I had." The most gorgeous man in the world used to pursue me, and I was so convinced that he was taking the mickey, that I used to avoid him. (doh!) I was at work, in a bar, and his brother came in to use the phone and tell him to come out. I heard him say "Yes, she's here" then turned and said to me "xxx wants to talk to you." I thought he was taking the mick aswell, so I pretended to be too busy to talk. He lived away, and I never really saw him after that because it was just before I moved up here.

I've sort of regretted that for 15 years, but all the while not forgetting, ever, that I wouldn't have found mr nutgone and had my beautiful children. I just daydream about it every now and then, as a little "what if?" sort of thing....
loads...just been watching Heroes and Hiro can go ack in time...wish i cud and do certain things differently
I regret that I could not say goodbye to my best friend as he died suddenly .
Would do everything (almost) the same, if I hadn't I might not be where I am now and I wouldn't want to change that. Having said that, I walked up the aisle knowing I shouldn't but strongly believing that if it wasn't the right thing to do, fate would stop it. i don't belive in fate anymore, we make our own choices and pay our own prices.
Not many regrets in my life, maybe should have worked harder at Uni the first time, they maybe need not have retrained later in life but then I may not hav e met my husband, given birth to my son etc etc.
My one true regret is refusing to give change to a guy playing the accordion in Chesterfield, when I was about 8. I was scared and it gave me nightmares for months, as I thought he was starving. Perhaps that's where my social conscience comes from.

I think there is a plan for all our lives, whether we consciously contribute or not.

Look forward, glance back.
1) Yes

2) Yes, but overall I'm glad I didn't

3) No
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