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How mad do you get?

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dot.hawkes | 23:02 Thu 28th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
Do you let things simmer for a bit and then go off on one, or do you just erupt? I let things simmer and then i absolutely throw a wobbler. As I have done today with a holiday supplier that cocked up my holiday, i feel a Rambo moment coming on.


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I blame it all on the illegal Iraq war. Go for damages dotty. You can claim expenses off the United Britain Campaign To Abolish Freedom In The West, UBCTAFITW, a memorable mnemonic.

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Oh how I wish they did tours to Iraq, i would demand a staff outing asap! You know what they tell you, don't let the barstewards grind u down? Try spending 4 hours in high level negotiations with a travel manager, you will know what the word desperation means. I'm under the wire me, on me toes, avin it away smart like.
I simmer also-then I start throwing things(in private)...if I don't do something constructive about my anger I end up crying out of frusteration.....this is followed by screaming. Other than that I am quite mild mannered and try to "go with the flow" lol!
I simmer and then when it all gets too much I crumble and verge on a nervous break down. I have never been able to demonstrate my anger, or many of my emotions very well.
Did it take terribly long to dispose of the body dear Dotty? :-)

I'm also a simmerer (is that a word btw.. lol) I start ranting out loud when theres nobody about...then after a day or so (by which time my face is like thunder)....I let rip and say all those things that I have been ranting about to four

Hey Dot.......just don't touch those lovely nails.....they look gorgeous... :))))))
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cost �40 so they betta do
The jewels look fab.
I think that we are generally an angry nation these days. I, like you simmer and then take it out on my partner (unintentionally) at the end of the day. I think that this country has become over populated. Everywhere you go these days is usually packed full of people and as we are naturally territorial animals our space is being invaded on a daily basis. We work longer and harder than previous years. We are in much more debt. General living expenses are astronomical. We are involved in a war that well... i wont even go there.
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long time no see mountainboo, very well put, bit of advice. I'd never book with this travel agent again!
hope your well dot. i like to remain illusive. not really, just been busy, ive answered your most recent post
I can keep it all in, and very well-hidden too. People comment on my patience and good nature. Heck, I've even been called serene.....twice! HowEVer, once I've been pushed and pushed as far as possible down my "road of amazing tolerance" I will explode, with alarming consequences. I find that if you catch people unawares, and they don't think you have it in you, then it has a better effect. The people who throw wobblers all the time have no surprises left!!!

Sorry for your cr@ppy day, dot - hope things improve soon x
Depending on my mood, if I'm already cranky then I don't care, I'll vent and rant until I feel better. Also if people keep ticking me off over and over again, then watch out.

Do you have a lawyer or a friend who's a lawyer (or studying law) by any chance? If you mention this, it could help in scaring the travel agency to actually doing something useful and help you .....
I have had to vent my anger for the last 2 days at work and am exhausted.
I usually am placid and easy going but when it is something I have a lot of passion and feeling for I am afraid I have to be heard immediately.
Roll on the flipping weekend I don't want another week like this. To top it all I accidently tumble dried my kitten (see animals and nature.)

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