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scorpio17 | 22:02 Sat 11th Mar 2006 | Body & Soul
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why do some people feel the need to swear in everyday conversation i am by no means a prude and on ocassions swear myself, who does'nt? but it seems just recently a couple of people i have been in conversation with have used the f word every other word, cant understand why they need to swear this often.


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Just to add a little more to the debate -

I am not offended by swearing per se, I just find it violent use of language.

By definition, all swear words are hard words, always starting with a hard syllable, usually monosyllabic words, and they are designed to be spat out in anger.

To find them used as simple conjunctions in everyday speech does not, for me, remove the violent sound of the words, and that is what I find disturbing.

That a mother should tell her child to "Shut the f"*k up ..." is not disturbing purely for the use of the ugly expletive, just that this is a violent and over-aggressive way to talk to anyone, and far worse if used on an impressionable child, who will grow up thinking that this is the way people speak to each other.

In some cases it is, but that doesn't make it right.

What cannibalism has to do with swearing is beyond me but if you insist spacechimp
Read and learn.
You said there was a time and a place for everything, so I threw that into the mix.

why don't you all stop f*****g moaning {only joking}.

*covers ears and runs*
Must have my say here. I too just fail to understand the need for the use of such bad language in everyday conversations. We live near a primary school,the language from the young mums/dads is terrible and they think nothing of using profanities to their children. Is it any wonder their little ones also swear? They're just copying their parents afterall. Our parents did'nt use it in front of us years ago and neither did we. No respect these days!

It is fun to walk past the junior school and see the parents smoking in their children's faces and swearing loudly on their mobile phones with the car engines running.

I see nothing wrong with the use of good old Anglo Saxon words I am however bemused how anyone can honestly say they are offened by a spoken word, especially those who 'over hear' it in someone elses conversation.

My mother was one of the latter, she would often claim her night out had be spoilt by some lout or other swearing,but there again if she never heard swearing her night would be spoilt becuase they were loud or laughing out loud..... and yet the family Doctor used to cuss like a trooper but he never upset my mother because he was a Doctor!?!

I've concluded that it's because the British are an angry and frustrated group of people generally (I speak as an Englishman). This anger manifests itself through the use of expletives which become the norm after a while, and as other posters suggest, children pick up on the norm AND the anger that their elders exhibit.

I think that individuals should learn to control their anger and count to 10 before they open their mouths.

I currently live in Canada. It is extremely rare to hear swearing on the streets or, in my experience, any public place.

Golem, I visit Canada for 6 weeks every year to spend time with my brother and I have found the use of so called swearing is just as equal as anything you get back home in good old Blighty.......... I'm deaf and can lip read and the question my friends get asked an awful lot is "Who is the f*cking limey"?
Forgot to add that I think Canada is a beautiful country with some of the most helpful folk I have ever met............. except the ones who want to know who the limey is :-)
What words do people who swear all the time use when they are really angry and need to swear?
Like many others I like to have a good rant and rave occasionally and need to leave the f word for those times.
I sometimes think the swearing wouldn't be so bad if only people could use a little more imagination ans used a more varied selection of curses.

yes, but you said words fail you when women swear -especially in front of their kids.

you meant women swearing in general was bad, but for men its more acceptable - thats nonsense.

yes mothers shouldn't tell their kids to "shut the f*ck up" which i agreed with - but neither should their fathers - that was my point

it shouldn't be anything to do with gender.

"yes, but you said words fail you when women swear -especially in front of their kids. "
Silly moo didn't say that joko I did.
"You meant women swearing in general was bad, but for men its more acceptable - thats nonsense."
I did not say anywhere in my post that it was more acceptable for men to swear .
How do you know what I meant ...are you a mind reader ?
I did say "women " I admit and perhaps I should have said "people" instead or persons !
Whatever....I still think it's not nice for persons to swear and curse at their children.

my post wasn't directed at silly moo. it was directed at you shaney. i should have put your name on it but i thought it would be obvious.

i don't need to be a mind reader to know that simply by saying that 'words fail you' when women swear, you are implying that its ok for a man... simply because you have singled out one gender as shocking.

this is the 21st century and there is no room for double standards anymore.

i have agree twice now that women - and men - or anyone for that matter, should not swear at their kids, so its clear that that aspect wasn't what i was commenting on.

I take your point can get off your soapbox.
Yes this is the 21st century but unfortunately I was born way back in the last century when people had a bit more respect for one another .I don't need to be berated by you either.I was just making a comment which is my opinion to which I am quite entitled .I shall endeavour to be more PC in my postings in future in regard to comments on peoples gender !
And for those of you who swear in frustration, a word of warning.) I've posted this before so sorry if you've seen this true story beore.

One day I was trying to get my young daughter to put her legs into her "buggy warmer" (sleeping bag type thing). She kept putting both of her legs into the same side and, evemtually, in frustration I shouted out, "for f***s sake Susan".

A few weeks later Granny had the same problem with her whereupon my daughter exclaimed, "for f***s sake Granny!". Imagine my embarrasment when Granny related this tale.

I must admit to swearing (quite badly at home when I am frustrated and cross and alone), but wouldn't dream of doing so in public. I don't like to hear people swearing loudly in public and do find it offensive. I do 'have' to listen because it can't be helped when people are shouting.

OK, I don't care if I am called sexist. I think women and girls swearing and cursing in public seems worse than men doing the same. Likewise women brawling and drinking in the streets is horrible to witness. I didn't realise that equality meant rejecting feminity and I still think feminity should be preserved. There are so many aggressive females around these days.

I would add that the males in my household don't use the really offensive swear words in front of me or other females and I think that's just great. It's something called respect.

However, it's up to the individual how they want to act. I reserve my rights to have an opinion regardless of whether it is sexist or not!

Swearing has always been used at times but these days perhaps because people learn even less English at school than before,it is widespread and common place,I personally categories people who swear all the time as common,there is no need for it.
I overdo it a bit. Society as a whole may be too tolerant of swearing (if that is possible)?

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