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Buried or Cremated?

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smudge | 13:40 Fri 24th Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
48 Answers

I asked this question a couple of years ago, but wondered what the current ABer's preferences would be now.

Might seem a morbid Q, but dying is certainly part of living after all!



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*to - not ot!!!!

Where's me variofocals?

Hi smudge, I'm Italian/Irish so affriad it's a burial for me - only problem is where??

(Mum from Naples, Dad from Dublin & I was born in Fulham) - Always been mixed up!!!

Buried. And I will expect visitors!
Vinny100-2 - what a brilliant answer! But don't forget to wait for double points! I'm going for cremation (in one of those nice looking wicker coffins (more eco friendly than wood) - my other half has strict instructions to get a large one so I'm not cramped in) and then ashes scattered over Loch Lomond (sorry all you Scottish swimmers).
..I always wanted to be buried and an apple tree planted on my grave so people could say I tasted nice this year...however after my father died suddenly at the age of 56 and was buried...I have opted for cremation and I kept thinking of how cold and lonely a grave is...
cremated in a eco friendly coffin..made out of twigs if possible with wild flowers on the top as decoration..who would want to be buried with vandals wrecking graves and riding motorbikes over them etc etc...i wouldnt like to think some thug wrecked my grave..with things as they are now its better to be cremated and scattered somewhere nice..
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So many answers - amazing what reality brings out in us!

You're right there mullien, also the probability of building over your grave in 100 years time, if not before!

You reminded me of something there ermintrude. My Dad's wish was to be cremated & some of his ashes scattered around his favourite haunts (pardon the pun)! The rest of his ashes were placed in an oak box & kept until Mum died 20 months later. Dad's ashes were then placed inside Mum's coffin & she was buried.

The crux of it is, when Mum was buried (with Dad's ashes inside) & it used to rain or snow, I often thought of poor Mum being cold in the ground, but thought of my Dad as being nice & warm! Nearly 10 years have past since then & those thoughts have gone. Hopefully, they're up in Heaven with their family & friends!

Burial v Cremation? Still cremation for me!

I'm with you asciwhite, I'd like to be cremated and turned into a pink diamond ring!
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I've read quite a lot lately about people having jewellery made from ashes - I thought it seemed a bit bizarre at first, but s'pose it's another way of keepng your nearest & dearest close to you - nice.
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Sidetracking here - but couldn't resist asking:

seaborn - you say you're Italian/Irish - I bet you're gorgeous! Who do you resemble in the celebrity world?

Certainly not cremated. It puts nothing back into the earth and only adds to air polution.

I'm for green burial.

Hi treacle84 and all, yep, a piece of jewellery and then I can carry on with my travels!!!!! don't need to be worn though
Aaargh Vinny - clubcard points? please don't tell him that!

guess who'll be getting bumped off tonight prolly the cat too for a few extra points!



Who wants worms feasting upon their deceased body?

Just disgusting. Plus, there's always the chance your grave might get robbed. : O

Burn baby burn


Graveyards are a permanent, uncomfortable, reminder that a loved one is no longer with us. I really hate the idea that after I'm gone people might feel obliged to re-visit my gravestone out of a sense of duty or loyalty. Much rather be scattered to the winds & just be remembered for the fun times : - )

Cremated - then ashes buried in local cemetery with a smalll headsone so my family can come and see me and I wont have to go through the rest of my life thinking how long would a mobiles battery last (should I opt for burial).

And you think I'm joking!!

Cremated - ashes scattered (at the Priestfield Stadium - COME ON YOU GILLS - if possible) and a park bench somewhere nice where my family can go to remember (or forget) me
havent read any of the replies as I dont want to be swayed either way on this.
I would like to be cremated, but if my parents opted for that I would be mortified as I love to visit previous members of my family up in the graveyard. I will sit there and grieve, share my good times with and bad times. If you get cremated there isnt that 'special' place where you can go and know that they are still 'there'. Daft, and most of all selfish I know!

Hey smudge, Thanks for the gee-up!!

Not sure who i look like to be honest, my mates keep saying Andy Garcia with an Irish accent - but i don't see it myself.

You?? ..........

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