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HFJL2020 | 12:45 Sun 22nd Oct 2023 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

i  always  wonder  how  old   the  loch  ness  monster  is  been  going  on foy  years



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During the last Ice Age Loch Ness was frozen solid.  So, even if there's a family of monsters they can't have been there before then.

I believe it was first reported in Victorian times.

Saint Columba seen it in 565 according to a book written in the seventh century.

According to Wicki, as early as the 6thC. Apparently it was just about to attack a geezer but his mate, St Columba, ordered the beast not to. 

"The creature stopped as if it had been pulled by ropes, and fled."

All stuff and nonsense, of course, but good fun, too.

All grist for the mill for the Scottish tourist board.

Imaginary creatures can be as old as you want them to be.


"The creature stopped as if it had been pulled by ropes, and fled."

All stuff and nonsense, of course, but good fun, too.

Control of WIIIILD creatures is a sign of sanctity - made sense at the time

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