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Help With Itching

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wrayperson | 09:22 Mon 23rd Oct 2023 | Body & Soul
5 Answers

Had new hip in August..since then had bad itching over back mainly..stopped taking codiene which helped..started again now..also feel cold all the time..sort of prickly & inside me..anyone else had this?



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Antihistamine tablets help me. I also changed my washing detergent to Fairy.

This can be caused by stress and anxiety.  I use E45 itch relief cream.

I agree with the first two answerers.

How long has it been since you've taken stronger pain medication than Codiene?  For real, if you want the itch to stop stop the heavier meds.

Wife uses Epimax cream, similar to E45 but no greasy residue.  I got like this when they put me on Morphine.  

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