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Flu jab?

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Jemisa | 13:18 Sun 28th Oct 2012 | Body & Soul
44 Answers
Have you had your flu Jab yet? Do you have it every year (over 60s) or don't you bother?
Our Doctors surgery nurse has phoned to tell us injections are available all next week. We always go, although we have the occasional cold we never get the flu so will continue to have them.
What about you?



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Yes, I had mine last week (we get them through work). I've had flu twice in my life and I'd do anything not to get it again. First time was (blimey) 30 years ago, I was so ill that all I could do was get out of bed to feed the cats (nobody else home at the time), then crawl back to bed - second time was over the Millenium holiday, I missed it all :-(
We (70s) have been having annual 'flu jabs for more than 30 years. We swear by them as they also seem to reduce the number of winter colds that we get.
I was told you can have jab with a cold but not if you have a temperature.
Can you? I thought I wasn't supposed to go at all. I might wander over then on Tuesday to get it done. I've never actually had the flu, sickest I've been is when I had tonsilitis... Flu sounds like it might be worse so the idea of getting it is particularly unappealing.
Yes, NHS workers, particularly those who come into contact with children, the elderly and the immunocompromised are actively encouraged to have the the jab. I've never reacted to the jab before but this year my arm blew up badly.

Better than flu though...
I didnt feel any pin prick at all, and in and out in 2 seconds I reckon x
I was meant to have one a few weeks back but had a chest infection so couldn't. Went to see nurse Friday for arthritis bloods monitoring and she picked up on the system I needed one and did it for me then. Jab was fine but my arm has been very sore since. Little price to pay though if it stops a nasty flu. I had a pnumonia one too not long ago.

Lots of nasty bugs going round work last few weeks and people sneezing and coughing all over so with that and public transport I'm quite amazing I haven't picked up anything (touching lots of wood!).
I've never had the flu jab but I think I will go and get it done in Boots. I've had flu several times in my life, the worst time was December 2004. I had flu a few months ago and my parents had to take Little Tiggs as I was too ill to look after him.
Flu is dreadful China, much worse than tonsilitis. The first time I had it I was a teenager and had dreadful dreams with it. I literally could not get out of bed. The second time I was in my mid thirties. DH settled me on the settee with the telephone and drinks and so on and went to work planning to come home at lunchtime to check on me. Half way through the morning i needed a wee and had to crawl on my hands and knees to the downstairs loo and haul myself up onto it, then crawl back because I couldn't stand. The post flu depression and weariness is not to be taken lightly either.
There is a joke about flu - that says if you see £10 on the floor and you can summon the energy or motivation to pick it up, you haven't got flu. If you've got flu, you don't care. It really is draining and horrible.
Is it free if you're over sixty?
Definitely jem. Anyone who has had proper flu will be only too glad to take advantage of the jabs. Never had a bout since beginning the jabs.
Not sure, it may be 65. I have asthma so have had the jab for many years. If you are in the 'at risk' group it is free. I think the charge is around £10 if you have to pay.
Tilly, it's only free if you are in an at risk group (long term conditions, other illnesses). Otherwise you have to pay - the surgery only orders in enough for people who fall into the risk categories.

The cheapest one I've noticed so far is Tesco at £8.
ive had one for years as i suffer from asthma,i hate the arm ache afterwards but its a small price to pay.the only year i didnt bother i got flu and felt awful for a week so lesson learnt!!
I had mine beginning of the month, OH went on Saturday. Both had no after effects at all, not even an achy arm. OH has had a chesty cough and sore throat all last week so asked the nurse if he should postpone it, she said no, not unless you are taking antibiotics .............................
Having just read woof's description, bugger the slight cold, I want my jab!
Never had one yet. Letter came in last week so may have a think about it.
like DSJ I've been having them for years (supposedly asthmatic) and have had few colds since then. They take mere seconds and even I, famous for my sensitive soul, barely notice the needle.
Mrs. Bookbinder and I are well over 60, and we always go for our flu jab. Neither of us has ever had flu anyway, so we don't know whether we are just made so that we don't catch it, or if the jabs really work.

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