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Adverts on AB

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Hopkirk | 16:53 Mon 08th Nov 2010 | Site Suggestions
27 Answers
Normally Adblock for Firefox keeps most of those pesky adverts away.

Ed will be pleased to know that loads are getting through now, but I'm not!

Anyone got any suggestions what I can do to beef up my advert defences?


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If I engage Adblock I am unable to traverse the AB site.

Just ignore the Adverts, as I do most of the time. However, I do occasionally click one or two because,by doing so, I feel that I am helping to keep open the AB site; which is free to us, but relies upon revenue from advertisements. I am led to believe that every click is recorded in favour of AB.

I think that AB is trying to set-up it's site so that adverts cannot be blocked. Quite sensible when one thinks about it.

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They have got something wrong though, some of the ads this evening are replaced by a big black notice 'Server is too busy'
I'm using FF + ABP and don't see any ads (but don't tell ed).
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What's ABP?
AdBlock Plus

incidentally I have the latest versions FF 3.6.12 and ABP 1.3.1
I don't get any either, check the subscriptions in adblock. I'm only subscribed to "easylist english" and it gets rid of them all.
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That's exactly what I have got, but Ed is slipping those ads in somehow.
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Brilliant Chuck!

I have just subscribed to easylist english and, poof, they've gone.
Sorry Chuck, but, whilst I have great respect for all the technical advice which you have given to me and other ABers, I cannot go along with you on this one. If we all blocked out the Ads, would we still have an AB.?

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Do you feel a duty to watch the ads on ITV, Ron?

No, you go for a slash and a brew in the ad breaks, just like the rest of us.

Shame on you.
I just ingnore them Hopkirk, they don't get in the way of the posts, and sometimes the ones they select (based on the thread content) are quite amusing!
Hopkirk....I can easily ignore adverts and, not wishing to be rude in any way, I honestly can't see why you are so up-tight about them. I would agree that they can be a pain in the posterior, but. in the case of AB, I am led to believe that without them the site will not survive and I doubt that you would wish that to happen.

well, you could argue that just looking at ads doesn't pay anyone's wages, Ron, and to do the job properly you are morally obliged to actually buy something.

I shall leave that thought resting on your conscience...
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Ron is right actually. Sites like AB get paid per click.

I am one of those strange breed that on Google, will not click on the sponsored results at the top of the list.
Google is rich enough without me helping them to more.
AB gets paid, but the site that placed the ad gets no reward until you buy. If they get no sales out of the ad they may stop advertising and AB will collapse like a house of cards. Everyone ought to buy something from the first ad they see every day.
I don't need a new bed, jno, and the other one is inviting me to join Burger King Facebook.
''Everyone ought to buy something from the first ad they see every day''

Ok... I've just turned off ABP and am tempted by the opportunity to ''Open a Financial Service Franchise in the Bahamas'' if someone can lend me £10k...
snags. post your bank details to me and ill send the money to you.
I don't notice them and they don't really bother me. On the few occasions I look in at work all ads are blocked and the page looks really bare.
Do we all get the same adverts? - I'm being asked if I need criminal law advice by 2 different firms...

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Adverts on AB

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