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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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Just finished work...popped in birds on the way home...the woman said to me okay...and then shouted "DUCK" blimey...I dropped to the floor rather have been some kind of custard tart terrorist??(:)

btw morning hehe..(:-)

Good norning all .I'm sorry Robinia but I'll have to use the good bathroom I can;t possibly "go" in the garden ,it's just not right for a royal personage (I''m a LEO ,you know the King of the Jungle or in my case the Queen ) I do hope you understand ! Any little thing I can bring to grease your palm ? LOL
oh, is that what that thing's for Robinia? I thought it was one of those little mats to put in front of the loo for gentleman callers with an inaccurate aim.

Morning all hope your're settling in nicely. You were all tucked up and fast asleep when I got in last night.Not out tonight so are we having a sing song round the camp fire or Robinia's Chimeroooo thingy? I never could say it so what chance with spelling it. None!! :o)

Just a comment Robinia. When I looked for your question in suggestions I couldn't find it. (this was after you said Ed had moved it for you) When we were talking about moving on the boat and you put the question up I saved it on my desktop. What am I doing wrong?

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Hi Dolly - tut... I knew you'd be trouble. Find me a hunky aussie fella please & you can wallow in the bath all day.

afternoon Jude.....your Q - that was because when Ed moved it to suggs it went in the correct place according to it's date 23/04/06. As soon as I added a post yesterday it came to the top of recently answered. Hope that makes sense.
are you watching the footy? bet it'll be quiet out this afternoon.
haven't got a fancy chimchimenee btw, just an ode dustbin wi a 'ole int bottom.

You bin upsettin um dowun cayke shop Vinny wi funny way ya speeyak?

lol jno - anyone not aiming straight gets an electric shock, very techno that bathroom.

Thanks Robinia I understand now.

Hello Dolly wasn't ignoring you. Hope you are alright over there. It's very dull over here today after some lovely days sunshine.

Well I'm exhausted - what a football match. Anybody else watched it? If not, sorry to be a bore but it was absolutely brilliant and nobody deserved to lose!

Hi folks ...have bagged a bunk by the composter ..bit smelly ..but that's how I feel at the moment.!!
Hope you are all settling in nicely and it wasn't my bits of cheese Robinia cheese for me or anything else for that matter.I had to got to the doctors yesterday for my blood letting results.The blasted man is obsessed with cholesterol..!
In spite of getting all this weight off he has still put me on statins and I can have no alcohol whatsoever and must give up smoking forthwith. So am sitting here with my last packet of fags and a large whisky.
Moan over.
Been a dreadful day here..thunderstorm and pouring with rain and chilly. Good job I cut the grass yesterday so that it grow even quicker !
Take care all.....sobs into whisky glass...!
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mud, mud, glorious mud.....

oh dear, morning all - it's looking like a pop festival here already & it's only been a couple of days.

Glad you made it to camp shaney, you poor thing , and you're doing so well with the diet. My neighbour has the same problem but he says at (a pretty good) 82 he's too old to bother & comes out of the blood clinic & heads for the chippy bless him. Never mind you won't find much booze around here to tempt you....might be the odd bottle of blue nun from my 21st somewhere.....

Can't comment on the footy game Jude - I successfully managed to avoid every minute of it. Well, I could comment on football in general but it might bring out my dark side......

would this lot be yours Vinny??? and ay ya bin dowun rowd forra paper yet? And not ones wi noowads in, we dunt ay nonna that.

Well if Vinny is late getting the papers ..I am all ready to go and get them ....note ..I have my hip flask with me .. ions/beckhike.gif

Morning Biddys,lovely sunny morning ..(forgot i was in derby...peeing down init..hehe)yep got the papers shaney...sunday sport anybody..!!um...still trying to work out if that's suppose to be my accent or your's robinia...thee thou init duck...!!haha...(:-

bring yer own beer tut tut

This is some weird garden you got here Robinia....or have I been drinking to much...hehe..(:-)


I don't know how far you have to go round Derby to fetch a paper ..but I ended up here House_1_op.JPG
But don't worry ..they are brewing up some dinner for me and have found me some nice clothes to wear. jpg
Watch out Vinny ...Sunday Sport ...tut tut.

Afternoon each hope all of you are ok. Good luck with the diet Shaney, can't be very nice for you having to give up things you like.

I must be the only footie fan on here, I wont mention it again - honest!

Apparently I could be fined �60 and 3 points on my licence for speeding - oh well must pay up and smile!

I watched it jude,brilliant..must be the best one ive seen for years...were have a

whip round for you jude..(:-)

Yes Vinny 'the what I was never going to mention again' was brill. Gerrard for England Captain, I say!

Lol at the whip round.

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a'noon all...bloomin heck Vinny have you been looking at dodgy websites on my puta? (what did I tell ya abaaht no noowads).... it's been going haywire & then it went all Andy Warhole....
and the only eyes in this garden are the cams I've had put in to keep a watch on you lot....

shaney that's not the Roundhouse that I'm familiar with (or Jude I expect) not that I ever went in there ....... probably 'cos I was barred, :o)

just teasing you bout the footy Jude - I lost interest about 30 years ago I'm afraid. I've tried to watch games that I knew everyone would be talking about but the moronic commentators usually make me switch off. Are there any events planned for Pride Park this summer? any 'ode rockers' coming I wonder?....I'll give them a ring & see if we can get Baz over to cheer neti up.

Do you think if I begged they wouldn't prosecute me?

Like this

Robinia Talking about Baz I'm going to see Andy Walker tonight at a charity do. He's the Barry tribute fella I've seen before. He's really good and he plays a meanguitar too. Specially for Neti

Oh lord ...Robinias got CCTV here ?
Well......there's nowhere to hide now for a crafty ciggy.
I can always hide my hip flask in the composter though ...Hmmm.!! arge/old-smoker.jpg

My son got done a few months ago Jude for going into a weight restriction area in his lorry. It was in the middle of nowhere and not signposted and would you believe the police were hiding behind a hedge and copped him.
However he appealed and after much paperwork they let him off !!

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