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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Just having a tea break...not that I'm going mad doing a lot, just a bit of sorting/tidying of garden stuff. I don't really need 4 prs of rusty old secateurs and two prs of leather gardening gloves that are too stiff to bend my fingers in etc etc...I might go and de-mop my hydrangea if I can summon up the enthusiasm, I'm tired, had a bad night last night and my sinuses are bothering me today.

No, I don't like the idea of hanging either..but when I saw she was aviatorless I did look to check shaney hadn't been suspended :o)
Lovely pic shaney, bless him!
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Think I must have done a different quiz, didn't get popes or hanging. Have just finished sorting out my posh new wardrobe and decided I need some s hooks to hang handbags....also have an idea for rearranging furniture downstairs....
Laters all
Hi I got 9/10. I didn't get hanging either but did get Popes which I got wrong.
Lovely photo Shaney. We miss our pets don't we. I still feel sad when I think about having to take Shep on his last ride in the car after 16 years. My blackbird friends are now coming down asking for breakfast. It's great. Takes me back to Blackie and his family 2 years ago that is.
Going to cut the front grass now. Have a good rest of the day everyone.
Ooh Woofy you sound like my Mum.....we used to go home and everything had been moved round .She was a bit of a mover and a shaker .Often found shaking her mats out the back :) You would fling your bag on the chair that had been there yesterday only to find it was now the table .

I miss old Shaney ..would love another dog but not as things are .I thought about taking on an older dog but to be honest you get so attached and I can't be doing with the upset when anything happens to them .

Well ..great minds Robinia ..I went out the front with the snippers to hone in on the hydrangeas but it was soooo chilly .Wind off the sea ,so I hoofed in back in PDQ.
Oooh yes and I meant to tell you Robinia .On Accuweather I've found the aches and pains section at last . You have to click on
"Your day starts here "...then Health .
It gives you migraine and sinus now and more besides .
That quiz seems to change some of the questions everytime.

Why are you all rushing about like horse flies (are they the same?) tis a Sunday, a day of rest, am I am resting having done two loads of washing which is now dry but can't be bothered to bring in! Bet it rains overnight!

When we were lunching a very very tall black american girl came in in basketball clothes and sat with a spanish Basketball player, so I eavesdropped (and why not??) she has been brought overhere at the local government's expense to inject new blood into out b/ball team. The other girl was spanish from valencia and they could hardly talk to each other, but I was very good and didn't interfere with menu translating. The black girl was saying that she has a baby back in the state being looked after by her mom, I though that so sad. They have accommodation and food paid for, but both seemed so young (if tall) and homesick. But the way Mr N was looking at the black girl I thought I wouldn't offer to help her or become her mother!!!!

Wore my new blouson top and it is really nice! Felt more feminine. Mr N paid for;

but doesn't know it yet, and he kept looking at it too, I though Oh lawdy don't start asking things!! Watching the artist for anbout the 4th time, it is such a lovely film and the music is really great. I think I love Jean Dujardin!

Lovely photo of shaney, shaney!
oh boooooooooooooger, I'm booooooooooooooogered.
Rushing around? I never mentioned rushing. A bit of de-mopping turned into a mega prune, lots of dead wood and spindly branches removed so the bloomin' thing had better flower this hasn't let me down yet. It's just such hard work now, everything hurts, I think Accu are a tad InAccu in my case shaney :o). It was lovely in the sun, unfortunately I was in the shade so it was on with the anorak.

My mum never changed anything round for years...she cleaned and polished like it was an olympic sport but it all went back as before. Even in her later years she wouldn't minimise or buy many new things. I look round and some of my things are way past their sell by and I keep thinking if I don't change some of it soon I won't get much mileage out it.

It's a year next week since I lost Charlie :o( I'd like another dog but it's not so easy on your own when there's no one to take over if you're having a bad day.
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Furniture moved and all very satisfactory. I have two gardens with children who bark at dogs in them today...second charming lot are screaming and running away when the dogs bark back which is winding them up even more. I need to move where I have no neighbours.....
In the end I lost it and called over the fence "children stop that IMMEDIATELY" which seemed to shame the parents into taking action.
I never rush anywhere these days Neti ..haha...I just bumble around .
Yes they are inAccu Robinia . When my knee kept me awake the other night throbbing like a good'un I was annoyed as it said low arthritis .
I really need them to personalise it for me .
"Your day starts here Shaney "'s going to be the same old .. as per usual .
I can't get it together in the garden either .I'll be glad when the gardener starts up for the spring . He goes at it full tilt .I can't dig and hack about out there like I used to .
I've made a curry .Jar of Morrisons Korma sauce into which I put some chicken ,prawns and anything else that was knocking around .It'll be a surprise dinner ...with rice ..
Oh good on you woofy, I always talk sternly to noisy children, and that usually does the trick. There was a horror in the flats at the back who was miaowing non stop at Mousey, till I went out there and glared and said stop it (In Englaish) that has shut him up eversince!
You should tell them in German ..that shuts them up toot sweet ....
Halt die Schnauze....especially when Mr S shouts :)
How do you pronounce that shaney, sounds good to me!
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A hug for Robi and snuffly licks from the boys. Apologies about the smell, we all had garlic bread for dinner with fresh tuna. All is quiet out there now and the kids seem to have gone home. maybe I should get one of those high velocity water pistols.....
Hal (rhymes with pal ) so Halt dee shnowtzer ( now as in now.. not snow )
You need the deep voice though ..haha.Mr S has a very deep voice .

Curry was nice ...filled a gap.I'm in syrup mode now and there isn't anything .
I'll have to make do with cstd crms and a cuppa .
Have a nice evening all .I'm going to watch Upstairs Downstairs later .It's had a lot criticism but I like it .
Am pratising my german !
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Time for bed again...moving furniture is weary work.....
Oight oight
Night all .Sleep toight.
I've seen a couple of trailers tonight Neti .I made a note !
I'll find the details in the morning for you .
Just popping in to say my Depression and the Bi-Polar have been doing me no favours this year .Actually unable to communicate with people unless they approach me first ,don't even bother with my emails the way I used to .On top of that I cannot breathe without using some form of medication day and night .So I'll just wish you all the best and hope you have a lovely Spring and Summer .Lots of love Dolly xxxxx
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Dolly I am so sorry to hear that you are unwell. If you permit, I will add you to my prayers. It does seem to have been a hideous last few months everywhere.
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Foggy here this morning so we didn't go far from the car...forecast is for fog every day this week. I have a kind of rule of thumb that if I hear the horns going (I live near a port) or if its foggy at home then we don't go as it gets worse in the forest. If its clear and quiet then we go as its likely to be a bit foggy in the forest but not horrendous. Anyway i need to go to town shopping today so its a hamburger day.

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