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The search found 54 results for your search:

property auctions

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Does anybody have any information on property auctions in Scotland? Thanks
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Does anyone have any experience of selling a property to a property company such as National Homebuyers or by auction? Having been let down by prospective purchasers we are now wondering whether this...
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I wonder if anyone can help with a property auction query. At an auction, without instruction from the seller, can the auctioneer bid up the price up to the reserve price when there are actually no...
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Does anyone know in layman's terms how does selling a property at auction work? If my house is not selling at current advertised price of 100k how much do I reasonably expect to make if I "send...
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what ministry in the government of greece,auctions property,land ,to anybody that wants to buy it,.
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Does anyone know anything about airport auctions? I remember seeing on telly a programme where the lost property department at Heathrow auctioned off lost luggage. Do other UK airports do this?
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Hammond Property Services - The 2023 Charity Quiz Is Now Out! It’s that time of the year again, already…! With the support of many of you during 2022, our Christmas themed Quiz raised £3,905 for the...
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Hammond Property Services - The 2022 Charity Quiz Is Now Out! It’s that time of the year again, already…! With the support of many of you during 2021, our Television & Radio Quiz raised £3,289 for the...
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It’s that time of the year again, already…! With the support of many of you during 2020, our Buildings & Architecture Quiz raised £3,712 for the Nottinghamshire Branch of ChildLine, to help with the...
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CHARITY QUIZ! I have put together a yet another Charity Quiz to help raise funds for The Dame Agnes Mellers Charity which was founded in 1917. Simply open up this link for the usual details a copy of...
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Where and when do they hold auctions of lost property from London Transport, and is there anything to bid for other than false teeth and stuffed penguins?
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Hi, myself and hubby are intrested in doing house refurbishments ,how do we go about obtaining properties.? We are not intrested in auctions, so how other than that, do we get to find houses that are...
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Are there any free websites where land and properties are advertised free including auctions. I would especially like to see auction sites.

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Has anyone here ever bought a property at auction? Where can I find out about repossessed and auction properties. The sites I have looked at all look a bit suspicious and too good to be true, plus...
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another one for the law experts - i think there is a case where one party agreed to sell a house to another party on a verbal agreement only. No written contract. The buyer measured up etc and bought...
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Looking for new house and co worker mentioned estates passed to 'the crown' but was unable to elaborate further. When someone dies without leaving a will and they have no relatives and their estate...
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Who or what makes you switch off or switch over your TV? Hear is my selection Mary Berry Holly Willoughby Keith Lemon Ant & Dec Davina McCall Cheryl Cole Simon Cowell Amanda Holden "Pointless" Ellie...
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Hi folks... Challenge for y'all. A friend lost her mother. The mother's house is worth, at a conservative estimate, 600K. (Ten years ago, neighbour paid a million for flimsy 1970s build which had to...
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I've already posted about this today so I'll keep it brief! We are interested in a repossession but another offer has mysteriously been made. The Estate Agent has told me that he's not allowed to tell...
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Anyone got any ideas of places to look with regard to finding a used car showroom/Land for rent in the M25 area? Have tried all the usual places (Commercial estate agents/Daltons Weekly etc) just...
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Bit of a strange question this one. What do you call a house that was once a house but has now been made into a series of flats on seperate floors? And where do you buy them? I know. Strange question.
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anyone had any dealings with this company? are they ok? my mate contacted them after seeing a reposessed house for same for £39,000, in a very nice area, (needed renovation) but you would expect...
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Hello! I'm after some advice off anybody who has had some experience on selling a house through auction...I have looked on-line and all I can find are companies willing to take my info + ring me back,...
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if there are two executors of a will and one wishes to sell the property at a knock down price for a quick sale can the other executor object by wishing to sell for market value
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Is there a good way to find properties to buy that need various levels of renovation? I want to find somewhere that needs a bit of work, but not a major renovation. Agents don't seem to be able to...
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Welcome to the September 2021 edition of the Quizzes & Puzzles round up....
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ToraToraTora anyone remember this from the 80's. What are your memories? will you own up to being a gazumper? where you a gazumpee?...
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Im thinking of downsizing to a small bungalow and spotted one near my daughter a few weeks ago. I rang the agent who said the place was going to auction and also that a lot is involved with "auction...
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I have become aware of a property which is for sale by on-line auction. It is a 1-bedroom flat in Rothesay and is expected to fetch around £18,000. I shall keep a watch on this to see how it...
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I was thinking about how many jobs Ive had since I left school in 1967. I think Ive had 10 full time jobs and about 3 part time jobs. At one time I had 5 part time jobs (cleaning) on the go at once to...
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If I have to sell my house at auction would you recommend a local/regional auctioneer or a London based one for greater exposure?
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boyo bach
I'd love to try and buy an anusual (unused) property, and turn it into living accommodation. Places like, old schools, churches, waterworks, etc. Anyone know of where to look? Websites? Baring in mind...
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Does anyone have any info on setting up a new nursery? I've already gotten a document on Ofsted Standards from CIS and also from my local borough.Is it a worthwhile investment? Do I have to be...

1 to 20 of 39

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Auctions 'Could Be A Good Option For House Buyers'

People considering taking out a mortgage to buy a house may want to consider attending property auctions, according to Savills. A spokesperson has said the majority of the buying public is probably unaware of many sales where new homes were going under the hammer. However, he stated it may well be something people shou...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Houses 'can be bought cheaper at auctions'

For those who watch plenty of daytime television, the BBC show "Homes under the Hammer" is something you may be familiar with. The show chronicles the efforts of people rennovating houses they bought at auction, starting with the bidding process and finishing with a guided tour of the newly-decorated propert...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

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