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"anna tobin"

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Is there a time limit on how long questions and answers are left on this board? If so, is there a repository of outdated Qs and As anywhere?
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Ed....I have observed that your style of postings have altered. Consequently, I am am being bold enough to ask....Have you really been with us since April 2002.? Ron....

1 to 2 of 2

Is it true, the Science Museum in London is about to scrap its admission charges

A. Yes and no. It will only be free to get into the museum on Sunday, 17 June - Father's Day. But there are plans to abolish admission charges to the museum from 1 December. Sunday will be a trial01:00 Thu 14th Jun 2001

Has graffiti been around for along as paint

asked Chicken A. Well, the word 'graffiti' actually derives from the Greek word graphein, which means: to write. This should give you some idea of how long people have been trying to make their mark01:00 Sun 10th Jun 2001

Can you tell me which people make up Tony Blair's cabinet

A. Here's the list of the key players: Tony Blair MP - Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service John Prescott MP - Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State01:00 Wed 18th Apr 2001

Q What is the world's most venomous snake

A. The most venomous snake is the Sea Snake (Hydrophus Belcheri). This snakes' venom is said to be 100 times more powerful than that of any other land or sea snake. The adder is Britain's most01:00 Wed 11th Apr 2001

How did the Bridget Jones phenomenon start:

A. Bridget Jones' Diary actually started off as a spoof column in the The Independent newspaper. The idea for the column was thought up by the then features editor Charles Leadbeater. He commissioned01:00 Thu 05th Apr 2001

The Royle Family on US TV

A. That's right, US network CBS network has just brought the rights to re-make the BBC's Royle Family, the comedy about the family of Liverpudlian couch potatoes. In the US version, however, the01:00 Wed 04th Apr 2001

Where do guinea pigs live in the wild

A. Guinea pigs originate from Central and South America. It was the Incas who first kept them as pets. They still live in the wild in the mountains and grasslands of Central and South America and they01:00 Wed 04th Apr 2001

What does kangaroo meat taste like

A. It tastes very similar to beef and is also often compared to venison, it is high in iron and protein and it contains much less fat - less than 2% -than most other red meats. Q. Is it readily01:00 Mon 02nd Apr 2001

What is the Kyoto Treaty

A. The Kyoto Protocol is an international climate treaty to halt climate change. Under the agreement, the developed countries of the world are to commit to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and01:00 Fri 30th Mar 2001

Has political correctness beaten Punch and Judy

asked PhilD A. The traditional Punch and Judy script is sexist, violent. lawless and terribly politically incorrect. Q. How so A. Punch beats up his wife, throws the baby down the stairs, steals01:00 Wed 28th Mar 2001

Why is the Royal Mail losing its 150-year-old monoploy

A. On 26 March a new law was introduced that enables 'PostComm', the new Post Office regulator,to give licences to other companies enabling them to deliver post costing less than 1. Q. What other01:00 Mon 26th Mar 2001

What is the world's longest running TV show

By Anna Tobin Ever wondered what is the world's longest running TV show Well, it is an American show produced by NBC. The first episode of Meet the Press went out on 6 November 1947. The show went01:00 Wed 21st Feb 2001

How do you know if people are calling while you're online

By Anna Tobin BEEFY asked whether there are any programmes that work in the UK that alert you when you have an incoming call while you're online Some people who have call-waiting on their phone01:00 Fri 16th Feb 2001

Oxfam calls for fairer distribution of life-saving drugs

By Anna Tobin THE international pharmaceutical business and western governments have been accused by Oxfam of restricting the supply of key medicines to the earth's most in need countries. The01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Armani - the new model for art funding

By Anna Tobin BRITAIN'S museums are being encouraged to look for other sources of income as public money is not so forthcoming. But what is being done to stop commercialism going too far Across01:00 Fri 02nd Feb 2001

Morning-after pill remains on the counter

By Anna Tobin A MOTION to overturn government legislation that has allowed the morning after or emergency contraceptive pill to be sold in chemists without prescription, has been defeated in the01:00 Mon 29th Jan 2001

The must-see art exhibitions of 2001

By Anna Tobin HUNDREDS of great art exhibitions are going on everyday around Britain, but even the most avid gallery goer can't get to see them all. The AnswerBank brings you the must-see shows to01:00 Wed 03rd Jan 2001

The name's Bond, Jane Bond

By Anna Tobin THE PRODUCERS of the twentieth James Bond film Beyond the Ice, due for release next year, have been courting newly-wed film star Catherine Zeta Douglas for a supporting role, but the01:00 Wed 03rd Jan 2001

A Mir something to worry about

By Anna Tobin THE DINOSAURS are said to have been wiped out by a giant meteor that hit earth many millions of years ago and it is often muted that the human race could meet a similar fate01:00 Wed 03rd Jan 2001

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