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I own a Tomtom One (version 1) with no European map, and I wanted to use it in Majorca. I saw a Tomtom One (version 3) for sale with full European maps for just a little more than the price of a Spain...
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How is it that, during an exchange between members about the death of a Nazi, they were able to trade personal insults and serious allegations about each other.How does AB think this information was...
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When first introduced in the early seventies, the law required a motorist to have committed a moving traffic offence before he/she could be stopped and asked to give a breath sample. Random breath...
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Does anyone know the political sympathies of the former military chiefs that have been so critical of the government this week?
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Been on zoplicone for years.Would like to come off them, but I need a good night sleep every night to be able to carry on with my stressful job.
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my cougar emits a howl from within the air cleaner when cold. Any ideas?

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