Hi there, i recently moved from virgin to sky. My contract ended a couple of weeks ago and i have just received a letter and empty box from Virgin requesting i return the V box. I had no idea i had to...
We only noticed when we printed his bording pass. So my question is will he just be able to use it as it is or should we inform Ryanair, his name is Knowles and the s is missing from end. But...
"why i ought to" I think it was in an old black and white movie. The guy that says it has hold of another fella by the scruff of the neck while shaking a fist at him, threatening to...
can anyone recommend a small good quality digital camera. I intend to buy my daughter one for Christmas as she is going to Florida for 3 weeks in January, so can take it with her.
During sex I often have a heavy flow of fluids. I mean a lot of fluids two or three times during sex. It just gushes out like pee and the bed is soaked. From what I have heard and experienced vaginal...
I hope someone will be able to help me out on this, my brother has just received a summons. It states he was caught on radar(i assume a mobile speed trap van) twice on the same day by the same van. He...
I have made a claim for my daughters jewellery, she was wearing my engagement and eternity rings. She took them off(along with earings and a chain) to go swimming but left them in the bottom of the...
I have want a samsung D900 with 200mins and 500 texts, I'm paying ?30 at tho mo but have seen a deal on virgin for ?25. The question is how reliable is the network regarding coverage and stuff. TIA x