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If I have can you tell me when Legg,keeps telling people I have abused,this person or that person I've seen him doing the same with other posters also. When I ask the person about this about this...
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Klown! What bothers you. You have not stated in a coherent way.
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Can we have peace talks here between the war-infactions,in CB
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I've tried,but failed. I'm sorry. I resigne. Sort your-selves out Or your shelves I give up.
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Dot. haukes. Sorry but I have to ask you this but are you behind the nasty trolls like no **** the the clown on here and sam the spazzed spade head and the mangler etc etc etc. As you seem to like...
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i was going to ask a question but won't bother because you're just a bunck of *****!!

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